Rupert, which has produced many famous artists, lost its strategic funding | Culture

Internationally known “Rupert” has been operating since 2012. Famous artists who represented Lithuania at the Venice Biennale, such as Robertas Narkus, Julijonas Urbonas, Augustas Serapinas, grew up here. Curator Milda Dainovskytė, Lina Lapelytė and others also participated in the activities of Rupert.

To date, the center has provided opportunities for the development of more than 300 developers. There are even more visits by foreign mentors, lecturers and guest artists, with the help of which new ideas, processes and works of contemporary culture were presented to the audience of Vilnius and Lithuania.

According to Lolita Jablonskienė, director of the National Art Gallery and member of Rupert’s board, “the generation of artists (and even curators) of the last decade, which forms the core of Lithuanian contemporary art today, representing it in the world, largely grew up in Rupert, or at least Rupert created and supported in the community”.

Photo by Audrius Solomins/Lolita Jablonskienė

Why is Rupert not considered a strategic organization?

When asked what comments were made by LKT experts, Rupert manager Viktorija Šiaulytė refused to name them: “I don’t think this information is for public comment.”

However, the press release contains a reference to one of the main questions asked by LKT experts – “how does this activity of the center aimed at a niche audience of current and future art professionals contribute to the cultivation of the Lithuanian cultural field?”

“It can be assumed that experts have not found an answer to this question. But we want to show that our activities, which have been going on for more than 12 years, have an impact not only on Lithuanian creators, but also shaped them”, – 15min commented V.Šiaulytė.

The fact that cultural institutions do not receive funding is a common situation in Lithuania, why did Rupert decide to make it public this time?

“We disagree with the previously stated assumption and want to show that Rupert’s impact is substantial and long-lasting.” It requires careful dedication from the team,” said the manager of Rupert.

V.Šiaulytė assured that the organization she leads is always looking for alternative sources of funding: “It’s not like we are 100 percent. dependent on LKT, but the question arises why Rupert is not considered a strategic organization. This is a question of public interest, how public money for culture is distributed and what kind of cultural ecosystem is needed in Lithuania.”

What challenges will Rupert face? “It is very important to ensure fair remuneration for both the team and the developers we work with, as well as the continuity of activities and the growth of the organization. Without strategic financing, a big challenge will arise here,” said V. Šiaulytė.

“We will now depend on project financing,” she added.

Didn’t get 50%. organizations

Due to data protection, LKT itself cannot publish the conclusions of strategic funding, but the head of the institution specified that 50% did not receive it this year. organizations. At that time, the standard percentage of success, according to the interviewer, is 33-35 percent.

Žygimantos Gedvilos/BNS photo/Asta Pakarklytė

Žygimantos Gedvilos/BNS photo/Asta Pakarklytė

“This is a very good percentage, because every fourth project is financed in other particularly intensive tenders,” commented the head of LKT.

In general, LKT received 28 applications, in which, according to A. Pakarklytė, only “the strongest organizations” competed.

#Rupert #produced #famous #artists #lost #strategic #funding #Culture
2024-08-30 23:18:26



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