Rumor: Mewtwo’s Tera-Raid leaked in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple – Pokémon Scarlet/Purple

2023-08-07 10:00:14

Everyone’s betting on what Nintendo and The Pokemon Company will announce tomorrow, August 8 at 3:00 p.m. at Pokémon Presents. Pokémon Black and White remakes are talked regarding, but there’s also talk of a new Pokémon Legends or even the first look at the tenth generation. That’s a lot of crazy ideas that probably won’t be covered in the 35 minutes we know the presentation will last. But at least we almost certainly know regarding one of tomorrow’s Pokémon Scarlet and Purple surprises (along with new DLC details): Mewtwo’s Black Crystal Tera-Raid Battle.

This seven-star event will see us capture the 150th Pokemon from Generation One and one of the strongest Psychic-type Pokemon in the entire franchise. It should come with level 100 and perfect stats (The Mightiest Mark). At this time, it’s unclear what attacks he’ll have, but as seen in the Nintendo Switch Online promo image from which the event transpired, he’ll also have a Psychic Tera-type.

What else would you like to see at Pokémon Presents?

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