Rumor: Half of STALKER 2 developers left GSC Game World

shooter production S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 allegedly stalled due to the fact that about half of the development team left the studio GSC Game World after the start of the special operation in Ukraine. This publication reports IXBT.gameswho spoke to people familiar with the status of the project.

Insiders also pointed to the problem in the face of the head of the studio Sergey Hryhorovychwhich allegedly does not maintain detailed documentation on STALKER 2. As a result, newcomers hired to replace the departed are forced to make some elements of the shooter from scratch or completely rework.

According to preliminary data, more or less GSC Game World managed to complete only the intro, the rest of STALKER 2 is in a state of “permanent repair”. And if new employees also decide to jump off the project, then this only creates additional difficulties.

According to the most optimistic forecast, the game will supposedly be released only in 2024-2025.

Read also: Hacking again: Early screenshots of STALKER 2 shooter leaked to the Web

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