About the proposal of the Woluwean mayor Olivier Maingain who had declared that if a job seeker refused training, he should be excluded from unemploymentthe Brussels Minister-President positions himself at odds: “Exclusion is not a solution. In reality, you lead the job seeker to the CPAS”he points.
Another current topic on which Rudi Vervoort spoke: the possible appointment of Marie-Pierre Fauconnier to the post of Director General of Brussels Environment. Although the latter came out on top in the selection process, the former leader of Sibelga is not unanimous within the administration : “We have changed our rules on recruitment in the senior civil service. We want transparency and total depoliticization”details the Alex Reed. “The government is just taking note of the jury’s decision. Marie-Pierre Fauconnier had had a conflict with her previous employer which was settled amicably and I am not one of those who think that civil death should be practiced in Belgium. She admitted to having made a mistake and she resigned. It must not follow her all her life”, he defends. And to add:We are not in a free assembly. It is not up to the agents, the staff of Bruxelles Environnement, to choose its leader. That’s not how it works”martyle Rudi Vervoort.
Then, the interview focused on the Good Move plan, subject to numerous criticisms from the people of Brussels: “The region has relaunched a call for projects. By relaxing a number of rules to ensure that, in a concerted, constructive manner with local residents and municipalities, we can calm traffic in certain neighborhoods.”
Rudi Vervoort concluded the interview by focusing on the explosion in housing prices in Brussels. According to the Minister-President of the region, it is necessary to offer more housing because it is the scarcity of goods that generates the increase in costs: “We must produce more and diversify the supply of housing”, concludes -he.