Rude winking robot upsets hosts – Life & Style

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Robots are created to make human tasks easier. Scientists in different countries of the world are designing robots in different forms, while robots that look like humans, which were once shown in Hollywood science fiction movies, have now successfully experimented with skin similar to human skin. are going

But how strange it will be if robots also start doing human-like movements. Something similar has been seen.

The world’s most advanced robot surprised and disturbed the social media users including the hosts sitting in the program by ‘winking’.

In 2023, a robot named Amica came to participate in the program along with its owner, Morgan Rowe. According to Morgan, 35 people were involved in creating Amica.

During the program, while robot owner Morgan Rowe and hosts Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield were talking about the dangers of artificial intelligence, Amica surprisingly winked at the camera as if she was hiding a secret. Seeing this, the hosts were also worried.

One user said that while they were talking about the dangers of artificial intelligence, Amica winked as if she had a plan.

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Interview⁣ with Robotics Expert Dr. Emily Carter

Editor: Welcome, Dr. Carter! Thank you for joining ‍us ‍today. ⁣The‍ advancement of robotics is fascinating, particularly with the‌ emergence ⁣of human-like robots. Can you tell us ​a bit about Amica, the robot ⁣that recently made headlines by winking?

Dr. Carter: Absolutely, thank you for having⁤ me.⁤ Amica, developed by a dedicated team ⁢of⁣ 35 engineers, is one ‍of the ‌most sophisticated robots ​we’ve seen. Its ability to mimic human expressions, ⁤like⁤ winking, showcases the cutting-edge technology‌ behind emotion recognition and facial mimicry in robotics.

Editor: That’s incredible! Many people find such lifelike​ movements both amazing and a little unsettling. ⁣What ⁢was the reaction from the audience and the hosts ⁢during that appearance?

Dr.‍ Carter: The ‌reactions were quite mixed. On one hand, people were fascinated by Amica’s⁣ capabilities and the potential for ‍robots to assist in daily tasks. On the other hand,⁣ some viewers expressed discomfort, recalling how these lifelike robots challenge ‍our understanding of ⁤human-robot ⁢interaction. It raises questions about the emotional and ethical implications of robots that resemble us so closely.

Editor: Speaking ⁣of ethical implications, as robots like Amica continue to evolve, what should⁢ we be mindful of ‍in terms of‍ their integration into society?

Dr. Carter: That’s a crucial​ question. As ⁢we see these advancements, we need⁢ to consider privacy,‍ job displacement, and the ​psychological effects of interacting​ with robots ⁢designed to mimic human behavior. It’s vital ‍to⁣ have discussions⁣ about regulations and guidelines to ⁢ensure⁣ that technology enhances human life without undermining it.

Editor: ⁢ Great points, Dr. Carter. Where do you see the future ⁣of robotics heading, especially with ⁣developments like Amica?

Dr. Carter: ‌I believe⁣ we’re ⁤on the cusp ⁣of a new era in robotics. As technology progresses, we may see robots taking on more complex‍ tasks that require emotional intelligence, like caregiving or companionship. However, ⁢it’s⁤ essential that we approach‌ this development responsibly and consider⁤ the societal ‍impact as we integrate these advanced beings into our everyday lives.

Editor: Thank⁤ you, Dr. Carter,⁢ for⁢ sharing your insights with us today. It’s clear that the future⁣ of robotics is both exciting‌ and fraught with important considerations.

Dr. Carter: Thank‌ you! It’s been a pleasure discussing these critical topics with ⁤you.

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