Ruben Onsu Enters Hospital Again, Sarwendah Says This


Ruben Onsu again showing a room like being in one of the treatment rooms in a hospital. The upload on his Instagram Stories was reposted by Ruben Onsu.

The upload was first posted by Jordi Onsu, who is none other than Ruben Onsu’s younger brother. In Instagram, Jordi showed that he was accompanying his brother.

“Get well soon, Mr. Ruben Onsu,” was seen in Ruben Onsu’s Instagram Stories.

Sarwendah also showed a multi-storey building in his Instagram Stories. He was seen in Ruben Onsu’s room undergoing treatment.

Sarwendah write wise words in the upload. He says life is full of surprises.

Sarwendah’s words on Instagram. Photo: Instagram

“Life is full of surprises, it’s just a matter of how we live it, enthusiasm,” wrote Sarwendah.

Previously, Ruben Onsu had been rushed to the ICU. This is because he had to run a blood transfusion.

“Yesterday on Friday, yesterday my condition was fine. After returning from Laughter It was a Blessing I entered the ICU. Onyo (Betrand Peto) I told him to go to Semarang, I lied to Onyo, ‘Dad has a meeting.’ The doctor required me to go to the hospital,” admitted Ruben Onsu.

When asked about his condition, Ruben Onsu explained that he is now much healthier than before.

“Now it’s getting better, so if you say 100 percent, it’s really not. It’s just that you have to realize that you want to enter the age of 40, sometimes I also don’t limit working hours, so I don’t have enough rest hours, everything is lacking,” said Ruben Onsu to, after filling the event. Brownis Trans TV, Jalan Captain P Tendean, South Jakarta.

At the time, Ruben Onsu drop because of low blood pressure. His hemoglobin dropped drastically. When told by the doctor, Ruben Onsu was confused. Because he feels fine.

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“Yesterday, it was true that the HB drop was up to 4. But the doctor was also confused, I didn’t feel dizzy. I didn’t take all the tests I did either, my people laughed dirtyly at Denny Cagur, I was also confused,” said Ruben Onsu.

Whereas, Ruben Onsu routinely check their health condition. Because the doctor said so, he was resigned to be treated in the hospital.

“I know that HB is low, usually every two months or three months, my wife and I always have routine blood checks, then every six months there is definitely a general check up. That has been done since I was a bachelor until now I have a wife, nothing strange,” said Ruben Onsu.

Watch Videos “Ruben Onsu’s Condition when Entering the ICU: Needs Blood Transfusion
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