Rubbing breasts, groping genitals and tongue-kissing grandfather for molesting granddaughter, 40-month prisoner denounced as “disgraceful behavior”

Rubbing breasts, groping genitals and tongue-kissing grandfather for molesting granddaughter, 40-month prisoner denounced as “disgraceful behavior”

The eighty-year-old security guard was accused of not only kissing the girl with his tongue when he was alone with his young granddaughter since 2013, but also touching his granddaughter’s breasts and private parts. After the girl revealed the incident to her parents living in the Mainland, her grandparents blamed her, saying, “Even if you did it, you can’t tell it.” In order to allow their daughter to continue studying in Hong Kong, the girl’s parents even asked her to kneel and kowtow to her grandparents to apologize. After interrogation, the security guard was convicted of 3 counts of indecent assault earlier, and his sentencing in the District Court was adjourned until today (12th). Judge Wang Shili severely reprimanded the defendant as disrespectful and disgraceful, and sentenced the defendant to 40 months in prison.

The 81-year-old defendant, TSH, was accused of molesting X, who was 4 to 10 years old at the time, three times in a Hong Kong unit from January 2013 to July 2018. The prosecution plan states that X’s parents live in the Mainland, and X has been living with the defendant since 2013. During the incident, the defendant touched X’s vulva and breasts with his hands when his wife went out for morning exercise or was alone in the room with X, kissed X, put his tongue into X’s mouth, and pointed at X, “Scared by grandpa, grandpa.” Tin, you touch first.” X feels disgusted and uncomfortable with the behavior. In April of the previous year, X reported the incident to the teacher, and finally handed it over to the police for follow-up.

When sentencing today, the judge pointed out that the defendant, as the victim’s grandfather, was regarding 68 years younger than the girl, but he violated his integrity, abused the victim’s trust, and committed crimes “ once more and once more” while the victim’s parents were not in Hong Kong. The girl was powerless to resist, describing the circumstances of the case serious. The report showed that following the conviction, the defendant still did not admit his mistakes, and the judge criticized him for showing no introspection or remorse. The girl’s report pointed out that the victim’s mood fluctuated following the incident, she had suicidal thoughts, suffered from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and needed long-term psychological treatment. In addition, the victim had to testify in court and was under a lot of pressure. Once the defendant was convicted and sent to prison, he would worry regarding his grandmother saying bad things regarding her. The judge described her as being in a dilemma, and it was distressing that she was going to suffer a huge blow at such a young age. The judge used 12 to 27 months in prison as the starting point for sentencing for three crimes. Taking into account the integrity of the sentencing, the judge ordered some sentences to be executed at the same time, and sentenced him to 40 months in prison.



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