RTBF invites users to check the compatibility of their receivers

2023-07-19 19:11:00

Belgian Digital Terrestrial Television, known as TNT, is preparing to take a new step by switching to High Definition (HD) as of July 17, thus offering better video quality to viewers. RTBF, as the broadcaster of the DTT channel package in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, recommends that its users check the accounting of their receivers to continue to receive its channels free of charge.

DTT is a popular and free way to receive television and radio programs in Belgium thanks to digital broadcasting via terrestrial hertzian frequencies. Currently, RTBF broadcasts DTT on the territory of the Wallonia-Brussels Federationoffering a bouquet comprising the 3 RTBF TV channels (La Une, TipiK, La Trois) and the BlickPunt of the BRF as well as 5 RTBF radio stations (La Première, VivaCité, Tipik, Classic21, Musiq3) and the BRF1 radio.

Today, RTBF continues its digital transition by offering its viewers superior video quality thanks to the DVB-T2 standard, which guarantees broadcast in high definition. The passing of standard DVB-T au DVB-T2 will allow this improvement. In addition, the video compression format used will be HEVC (H.265). With the advent of 5G, the broadcast will be transferred from channels 56, 55, 45 and 49 to channel 42, soon. Channel 42 will thus become the only channel available for the French-speaking part of the country.

What does this imply ?

To continue to receive the bouquet, DTT users must check the compatibility of their receiver.

How to check the compatibility of the receiver?

To determine if the TV is equipped with a T2 receptor adapted to the reception of new technology, DTT users have two options:

Either they have a recent television with an integrated T2 receiver Or they have an old television without a T2 receiver

How do you know if you have a T2 receptor?

Users must scan their UHF band and make sure their receiver is decoding HD channels. In the opposite casethese users are invited to get a DVB-T2 box with HEVC video decompressionavailable in all electronics stores (or to opt for other modes of reception of the channels, such as cable TV, satellite or Internet via AUVIO).

RTBF encourages all Belgian DTT viewers to prepare accordingly in order to continue to enjoy its channels and programming. DTT users who do not have a T2 receiver are therefore invited to obtain the receiver box from July 17 and no later than August 31, the date on which HD broadcasting will be fully operational.

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