‘RSV’ virus kills 1 child, no ‘cure, vaccine’ yet, doctors advise how to take primary care

Doctor Jirarut reveals RSV virus has killed 1 child, identified during covid-19 The epidemic has not killed children – sick, suffering from system failures like now. Treatment is also palliative. There is no cure-vaccination. along with suggesting basic prevention methods in caring for children suspected of being infected

Dr. Jirarut Chomchoey, a pediatrician specializing in respiratory diseases and crisis medicine Maharaj Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Personal Facebook post “Jiraruj Praise” regarding the death of a child from RSV virus, stating that from such cases, it is considered the opening of the game of the epidemic season in Nakhon Ratchasima. which during the time of COVID-19 The epidemic has not found any children who have died. or suffer from respiratory failure like now Including last night, two children had to be intubated and sent to the ICU.

However, those at risk of severe symptoms include: 1. under 1 year of age, 2. asthma, chronic lung disease, 3. congenital heart disease, 4. immune disorders, 5. neurological disorders, and 6. genetic disorders such as Down. The syndrome, including the elderly, is also at risk of serious illness and death.

There is currently no cure for RSV virus. and no vaccine Therefore, treatment is supportive. Prevention can be done by washing your hands. wear a mask Do not let sick children Has a fever in the nursery In the case of older children who are sick, they should wear masks, wash their hands and avoid touching young children. or children who are at risk of infection and have severe symptoms

“Preliminary agencies involved in the outbreak He started to move But the most important thing is People like us all need to be aware of this. If this post scares anyone. I’m sorry But I think this is the truth that must be revealed. and should be known to make everyone realize We will help each other in this situation, wishing everyone good luck and salvation. the time of this outbreak,” said Dr. Chirarut.

Dr. Jirarut further stated that for the initial recommendations for caring for children if suspected of RSV infection and having a lot of mucus in young children, such as under 2 years old, they are: 1. Try to avoid using all kinds of nasal decongestants. Because the medicine will make mucus and mucus sticky. If there is an infection in the bronchial tubes, the mucus becomes large and sticky. making it more difficult to cough out And it may cause you to go to the hospital for nebulization and phlegm suction.

2. Young children who are sick and have a history of exposure to RSV patients are clear, the main symptoms are the nose and pharynx. like a lot of mucus Most coughs are caused by a runny nose. If you are not breathing, you should avoid unnecessary aerosol sprays. Because small droplets may cause infection from the upper nasal cavity. down to the lower nostril through the nebulizer

However, if the child does not cooperate in spraying Crying or choking, careful spraying, the more chances are. Infected into the lower respiratory tract unless there are symptoms of bronchospasm wheezing From a physical examination, it may be necessary to use a nebulizer. which requested to be at the discretion of the physician It is important to focus on clearing. nasal mucus

3. Don’t be dehydrated during infection. Try to drink or sip water frequently. This is because dehydration will make the mucus dry and sticky. including making it difficult to cough up phlegm which may cause the child to be treated in the hospital

4. Quickly deal with high fever Because most children infected with RSV start with a high fever. A high fever causes a higher metabolic process. There is an increase in carbon dioxide. If the breathing is bad due to inflamed airways, swollen mucus from an infection Such venting will be made worse. and may make the child’s symptoms worse Therefore, reducing fever is important. and should be done asap with a towel the use of antipyretic drugs The right paracetamol can alleviate the symptoms of a fever. It can help reduce the severity of the disease.

However, if practiced, the symptoms did not improve. Has more breathlessness, dimpled breathing, can eat less and refuses to eat, especially water and milk, should see a doctor immediately



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