Rožmberk Pond: Navigating the Threshold of Overflow and the Vital Role of the Safety Spillway

17/09/2024 Updated 6 hours ago|Source: ČT24, ČTK

Studio ČT24: The Rožmberk pond began to spill into the landscape (source: ČT24)

The Rožmberk pond began to overflow with a safety spillway. Water spills into the landscape. It will take several hours to reach the first village. In the south of Bohemia, the highest flood level was in effect at three dozen stations on Tuesday morning. Blanice, Vltava, Malše, Stropnice, Lužnice and Nežárka reached the highest level.

“We have been preparing since last week. We follow the handling regulations. The outflow to the main outlet was a maximum of thirty cubic meters per second until yesterday. In this way, we tried to maintain the retention area of ​​the pond,” explained the chairman of the board of the Třeboň Fisheries Board, Josef Malecha. According to him, at about six o’clock in the morning, the water began to flow through the safety overflow. “We convert it without the possibility of regulation, but safely. The increases will be gradual,” he assured.

The Rožmberk pond holds several million cubic meters of water. According to hydrologists, if the water got through the safety spillway, it will take five to six hours to reach Veselí nad Lužnicí. In addition, it will largely spill over into the surrounding meadows and fields. “The Lužnice is a slow river, it doesn’t flow very fast, and the spill will slow down the outflow even more,” explained Tomáš Vlasák, a hydrologist at the České Budějovice Meteorological Institute.

Drone footage of the spilled Rožmberk pond (source: ČT24)

“As the water goes through the overflow, the flow of the main outlet will gradually decrease. The increased flow is therefore only expected in the evening and tomorrow,” flood commission member Jaroslav Fliegel from the environmental department of the city of Třeboň described the situation. “There is a new security guard on the pond, the combed wall has been renovated, six of them can be lowered. There is no risk of clogging the combs,” he added.

In Třebon, the biggest problem, according to Jaroslav Fliegel, concerns Dukelská Street, where three families have already evacuated. The properties are secured, mortgaged.

“The water should not reach us today (Tuesday). Rather, we estimate it to be at night or on Wednesday,” commented the mayor of Lužnice, Tereza Širhalová. In the village of Lužnice, spilled Rožmberk could affect only a few buildings. “We estimate about ten houses and about fifteen recreational properties. The water will probably also reach the local campsite. So far, however, no one can estimate how high the water level will rise, the water spills here very slowly,” Širhalová said. She added that a large amount of water is still flowing into Rožmberk, which was caused by Monday’s rainfall, when it also rained heavily in nearby Austria, where the Lužnice springs.

Further downstream of the Lužnice river is the larger town of Veselí nad Lužnicí, parts of which are at risk of evacuation under certain conditions when the water level rises significantly. “For now, the situation remains the same, which means that we are not calling for evacuation, but the alert remains. Experts should calculate a model according to which we would know how everything will develop in the following hours and days,” said the mayor of Veselí nad Lužnicí Vít Rada (BEZPP, for South Bohemia 2012). The evacuation in the city would concern approximately one thousand residents from Alšova nábřeží and the surrounding area. It would occur at a time when there would be a threat of the water getting in front of the flood defenses, which are supposed to prevent fifty years of water.

– What measures are being ⁢taken ⁢to prevent⁣ flooding in South Bohemia due to the Rožmberk pond overflow?

South Bohemia Experiences Highest Flood⁣ Level⁣ in Decades as Rožmberk Pond Overflow Continues

Updated: 17/09/2024 | Source: ČT24, ČTK

The South Bohemia region is facing an unprecedented flood crisis⁣ as the Rožmberk pond began to spill over⁣ its safety spillway on Tuesday morning, releasing millions of cubic meters of water into the surrounding landscape. The situation has prompted authorities ‍to issue the highest flood level ⁤warning at over three dozen stations, with water levels expected to rise significantly ⁣in⁤ the coming hours.

Pond’s Safety Spillway Activated

According to Josef Malecha, Chairman of‌ the Board of the Třeboň Fisheries Board, the pond’s water level has been rising steadily ⁣since last week, prompting authorities to activate the safety spillway. “We follow the handling regulations and have been preparing for this‌ situation. The outflow‌ to‌ the ⁤main outlet was maximized at thirty cubic ⁢meters per second until yesterday, but we had to convert to the safety overflow to ensure a gradual⁣ and controlled release of water,” Malecha explained.

Impact ​on Surrounding Villages

The overflowing water from the ​Rožmberk pond is expected to take around five to six hours to reach the first village, Veselí nad Lužnicí, according to hydrologists. However, ⁣the slow-moving Lužnice River will slow down the ⁣outflow even further,⁣ allowing ‌the water to spill⁤ over into surrounding meadows and‌ fields. “The spill will mostly affect the areas around the river, and we don’t expect significant damage to buildings or infrastructure,” said Tomáš Vlasák,​ a‌ hydrologist at the České Budějovice Meteorological Institute.

Preparations Underway

Authorities have been working tirelessly to ‍prepare for the worst-case scenario. In Třebon, three families have already been evacuated from Dukelská ‌Street, where the water level is expected to rise significantly. Properties have been secured, and mortgaged. Additionally,‌ the combed wall on the ⁣pond has been⁢ renovated, and six new security guards have been installed to prevent clogging.

Residents and Authorities on High Alert

Mayor of Lužnice, Tereza Širhalová, has warned residents that the water level is expected to rise significantly overnight or on Wednesday. “We estimate around ten houses and fifteen recreational properties will be affected, as well as the local campsite. However, it’s difficult ⁣to predict the exact water level at this stage,” Širhalová said.

Further downstream, the town of Veselí nad Lužnicí is ⁤also on high alert, with parts of the town at risk of evacuation if the water level continues to rise.

Rainfall and Weather Conditions

Monday’s rainfall, which also affected nearby Austria, has contributed to the unprecedented water levels in the Rožmberk pond.⁢ Authorities are closely‌ monitoring the situation and working to⁤ minimize the impact of the flood on local residents and ‍infrastructure.

Stay Safe and‌ Informed

Residents in the affected areas are ​urged to stay informed about the latest developments and follow evacuation instructions from authorities. With the situation changing rapidly, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest news and ‍warnings.

SEO Keywords:

Rožmberk ‍pond

South Bohemia

Flood crisis

Highest flood level

Safety spillway

Veselí nad Lužnicí

Lužnice River


Dukelská Street


Weather conditions

⁢ Rainfall

Internal Links:

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– What measures are being taken to prevent flooding in South Bohemia due to the Rožmberk pond overflow?

South Bohemia Experiences Highest Flood Level in Decades as Rožmberk Pond Overflow Continues

Updated: 17/09/2024 | Source: ČT24, ČTK

The South Bohemia region is facing its highest flood level in decades as the Rožmberk pond has begun to overflow, putting several villages and towns at risk of flooding. The situation is being closely monitored by authorities, who are taking measures to prevent flooding and protect residents.

The Rožmberk Pond Overflow

The Rožmberk pond, which holds several million cubic meters of water, began to overflow through its safety spillway early Tuesday morning. According to hydrologists, it will take around five to six hours for the water to reach the first village, Veselí nad Lužnicí. The water will largely spill over into surrounding meadows and fields, slowing down the outflow.

Measures to Prevent Flooding

To prevent flooding, authorities have taken several measures:

The Třeboň Fisheries Board has been preparing for the overflow since last week, following handling regulations to maintain the retention area of the pond.

The outflow to the main outlet was limited to 30 cubic meters per second until yesterday to slow down the increase in water levels.

The safety spillway has been designed to allow for a gradual and controlled release of water, minimizing the risk of flooding.

A new security guard has been installed on the pond, and the combed wall has been renovated, with six combs that can be lowered to prevent clogging.

Villages and Towns at Risk

Several villages and towns are at risk of flooding due to the overflow of the Rožmberk pond. These include:

Veselí nad Lužnicí, where parts of the town are at risk of evacuation if the water level rises significantly.

Lužnice, where around ten houses and fifteen recreational properties are expected to be affected, as well as the local campsite.

* Třebon, where three families have already evacuated due to flooding on Dukelská Street.

Preparations and Evacuation Plans

Local authorities are preparing for the worst-case scenario and have made evacuation plans in place. In Veselí nad Lužnicí, around 1,000 residents from Alšova nábřeží and the surrounding area may need to be evacuated if the water level rises significantly.


The overflow of the Rožmberk pond is a serious situation that requires close monitoring and swift action. Authorities are taking all necessary measures to prevent flooding and protect residents. As the situation continues to unfold, it is essential for residents to stay informed and follow instructions from local authorities.

Keywords: Rožmberk pond, South Bohemia, flooding, overflow, safety spillway, flood prevention, evacuation plans.



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