Royal pardon for cannabis farmers, or when tolerance, forgiveness and compassion are the basic pillars of His Majesty the King’s policy.


In a gesture that reflects genuine human nobility, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, issued his royal pardon to a group of farmers prosecuted in cases of illegal cultivation of the “kif” plant, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the “Revolution of the King and the People,” which the Kingdom celebrates on August 20 of each year.

This pardon is considered a consecration of the clear and evident humanitarian approach adopted by His Majesty over a quarter of a century, which made tolerance, forgiveness and compassion the basic pillars of His Majesty’s social policy, which was a symbol of compassion and humanity.

The Farmer Amnesty Initiative is consistent with the strategic objectives pursued to develop the legal cannabis chains, by providing more opportunities for the beneficiary farmers and directing them towards engaging in legal income-generating activities.

This generous royal step, with its humanitarian connotations, embodies a means to end all the negative consequences of the illegal cultivation of cannabis, especially on small farmers for fear of arrest and violation of the law. This initiative serves social justice and social integration by providing opportunities for integration and improving living conditions for vulnerable groups.

This amnesty decision will allow small farmers, who are subject to legal prosecutions, to access the field of legitimate uses of the cannabis plant, allowing them to be integrated into a legal economy open to pharmaceutical industries and economic groups.

This decision paves the way for a new reconciliation that is part of the transformations that Morocco has witnessed over the past years, all of which are aimed at internal stability and sustainable development, as well as strengthening the gains that the Kingdom has achieved in the field of human rights.

#Royal #pardon #cannabis #farmers #tolerance #forgiveness #compassion #basic #pillars #Majesty #Kings #policy
2024-08-22 12:09:38



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