Royal Pair Explores Life-Saving CPR Techniques and Strategic Stock Market Insights

Royal Pair Explores Life-Saving CPR Techniques and Strategic Stock Market Insights

The Crown Prince couple visited the municipality of Midtre Gauldal on the second day of this year’s county tour, and among other things were able to meet students from the health and upbringing subject and the stock market maker line. The Crown Prince had both a go at measuring blood sugar and blood pressure, while Crown Princess Mette-Marit gave quick input along the way.

– He was good, I didn’t even know it, says health student Ingrid Skamfer to NTB, after she had her blood sugar measured by the crown prince.

Fellow student Ane Larsen had slightly high blood pressure measured, and says she became so nervous and uneasy that she chatted during the measurement and her heart rate was “in the hundreds”.

– And I still have a heart rate of 169, me, adds Synne Hansen, who competed – and lost – against Crown Prince Haakon in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

– From now on I at least feel safe, commented Crown Princess Mette-Marit on her way out of the classroom.

Marit Bjørgen of dorull

Before the demonstration, the royals had started the day with a visit to the farm Nordstu-Solberg in Soknedal in brilliant sunshine and strong winds, sometimes with gale force. Afterwards, there was joint entertainment and speeches at Støren, where the crown princess gave a speech.

Among other things, she paid tribute to the village’s great pride, the ski queen Marit Bjørgen, who recently got her own statue in Midtre Gauldal, and told what Bjørgen has meant to the crown prince’s family.

– When Ingrid was little, Marit Bjørgen was her great role model, and we have been lucky enough to have had our own doll version of Marit Bjørgen standing on the windowsill. With popsicle skis on your feet. Signed by the young artist Ingrid Alexandra. I actually think that the crown prince has been handed it to Marit Bjørgen, she said, to chuckles from the many present at Støren, the village’s focal point.

About people

The Crown Prince couple were served local dishes from “Mett i Gauldal”, before they were able to take a closer look at the new statue, but Bjørgen himself was not present. The statue was made by sculptor Merete Sejersted Bødtker. Bjørgen ended her active career with 8 Olympic golds and 26 World Cup medals, of which 18 are gold, and now she is an assistant coach on the women’s national cross-country team.

Mayor Trude Heggdal (Ap) pointed out that the crown prince couple were only allowed to be in Midtre Gauldal for three hours this Wednesday, and it goes without saying that they could not cover the entire municipality.

– We try to present a cross-section of the geography, people and culture of our municipality in these classes. First and foremost, it is about people’s meetings and public life, which the crown prince couple themselves express that they want, says the mayor at the municipality’s websites.

Wednesday’s program ends with a return event at Stiftsgården in Trondheim, where the crown prince couple will host special guests from the four municipalities on this year’s county tour: Selbu, Malvik, Midtre Gauldal – and Trondheim, which will be shown on Thursday.

#Crown #Prince #couple #hand #CPR #stock #market #making
2024-09-12 00:27:13

– What activities did Crown ​Prince Haakon engage in during‍ his visit to Midtre Gauldal?

The Crown ⁤Prince Couple’s County⁤ Tour: A Day in Midtre Gauldal

On the second⁤ day‌ of ‌their‌ county tour, Crown⁣ Prince Haakon and ⁤Crown Princess Mette-Marit of ⁤Norway visited the municipality of Midtre ​Gauldal, where ⁣they engaged with students from ⁤the health and upbringing subject and the ‌stock market maker line. The ​royal⁢ couple’s visit was filled ‌with unique ​experiences, from measuring blood sugar and⁣ blood⁤ pressure to paying tribute to the legendary​ ski queen Marit Bjørgen.

A Hands-On ​Approach to Healthcare

At the‌ health and‍ upbringing subject‍ class, Crown Prince ​Haakon‍ took on a hands-on approach​ by measuring blood‌ sugar and blood pressure. Health⁢ student Ingrid Skamfer was impressed‍ by the crown prince’s skills, saying, “He ⁢was good, I didn’t⁢ even know⁤ it.” Fellow student Ane Larsen, however, had a slightly high blood​ pressure measurement, ⁢which caused her to ⁤become nervous and uneasy. Meanwhile, Synne Hansen competed against Crown ⁢Prince Haakon‌ in cardiopulmonary‍ resuscitation and ⁤lost, but ⁤still had‍ a heart rate of⁣ 169.

Paying Tribute to Marit Bjørgen

Before the demonstration, ⁢the royal⁢ couple visited⁢ the⁣ farm ⁤Nordstu-Solberg in Soknedal, where they‌ were greeted ​by ‌brilliant sunshine and strong winds. ‌Later, they attended joint entertainment and speeches at Støren, where ​Crown Princess Mette-Marit gave a speech.⁣ She paid tribute to ⁢Marit​ Bjørgen, the ‍ski​ queen who recently received her own statue in ⁢Midtre Gauldal. The crown princess shared a heartwarming anecdote⁤ about how‍ Marit Bjørgen was ​a role model for her daughter, Ingrid Alexandra, ​and how they even had⁣ a doll version of Bjørgen standing on their windowsill.

Marit Bjørgen: A Skiing Legend

Marit Bjørgen,⁢ the renowned Norwegian cross-country skier, ended her ⁤active career with an​ impressive 8 Olympic golds and 26 World Cup​ medals, of which⁢ 18 are gold. She is now an assistant coach‌ on‍ the women’s national cross-country​ team. Although⁢ Bjørgen was not present‌ during ‌the royal visit, the crown prince couple was able to ⁣take a closer look at ⁢the new statue made by⁢ sculptor Merete Sejersted Bødtker.

A Brief but Meaningful Visit

Mayor Trude Heggdal (Ap) acknowledged that the crown prince ‌couple’s visit was limited⁢ to just three hours, which meant they could not cover ⁣the entire municipality. Despite the time constraint,‌ the royal⁢ couple ‍aimed to present a cross-section of the geography, people, ⁣and culture of Midtre Gauldal.

This ⁤county tour is just one example of the ‍Crown Prince Couple’s dedication to engaging with‌ the Norwegian people and ‍learning about their communities. Their visit to Midtre Gauldal will undoubtedly be⁢ remembered by ⁢the students, farmers, and residents who had⁢ the opportunity to interact with them.

Other Crown Prince Couples’​ Ventures

Interestingly, there are ‌other royal couples who​ share similar titles and​ engagements. For instance, Crown Prince Frederik and⁣ Crown Princess Mary of Denmark have their own awards, known as ‍The Crown Prince Couple’s Awards, which ⁣were established⁢ in 2004 as a wedding gift to the royal couple [[2]]. These awards are used to support initiatives that focus on social, cultural, and environmental issues.⁢ Additionally, there are numerous ‌photos⁢ and images of the Danish Crown Prince Couple’s wedding available online, including⁢ a premium collection⁣ from Getty Images [[1]].

the Crown Prince Couple’s visit to Midtre Gauldal was⁣ a heartwarming and ​engaging experience for all parties involved. Their dedication to ​the Norwegian people and their commitment to learning ⁤about local communities⁣ are⁢ truly‌ admirable.

Here are some “People Also Ask” (PAA) related questions for the title: **The Crown Prince Couple’s Visit to Midtre Gauldal: A Royal Encounter**:

The Crown Prince Couple’s Visit to Midtre Gauldal: A Royal Encounter

On a sunny Wednesday, the Crown Prince couple, Haakon and Mette-Marit, embarked on a county tour to Midtre Gauldal, a municipality in Norway. This visit was a part of their effort to connect with the people and culture of the region. During their three-hour stay, the royal couple engaged in various activities, showcasing their commitment to the community.

Engaging with Students and Health Professionals

The Crown Prince couple started their day by visiting a health and upbringing class, where they interacted with students and health professionals. Crown Prince Haakon even took part in measuring blood sugar and blood pressure, while Crown Princess Mette-Marit provided input and guidance throughout the process. The students were thrilled to have the royal couple’s attention, with one student, Ingrid Skamfer, remarking, “He was good, I didn’t even know it” after having her blood sugar measured by the Crown Prince [[1]].

Pay Tribute to Marit Bjørgen

During their visit, Crown Princess Mette-Marit paid tribute to Marit Bjørgen, Norway’s renowned ski queen, who recently received a statue in Midtre Gauldal. The Crown Princess shared a personal anecdote about how Marit Bjørgen was a role model for her daughter, Ingrid Alexandra, and how they even had a doll version of Marit Bjørgen on their windowsill [[3]]. Bjørgen, an eight-time Olympic gold medalist and 26-time World Cup medalist, is now an assistant coach on the women’s national cross-country team.

Farm Visit and Local Cuisine

Before the demonstration, the royal couple visited the farm Nordstu-Solberg in Soknedal, where they experienced brilliant sunshine and strong winds. They were later treated to local dishes from “Mett i Gauldal” and took a closer look at the new statue of Marit Bjørgen, created by sculptor Merete Sejersted Bødtker.

Mayor’s Remarks

Mayor Trude Heggdal (Ap) emphasized that the Crown Prince couple’s three-hour visit was a brief but meaningful encounter. She highlighted the municipality’s efforts to present a cross-section of their geography, people, and culture, with a focus on people’s meetings and public life.

About Crown Prince Haakon

Crown Prince Haakon, born on July 20, 1973, is the heir apparent to the Norwegian throne and the son of King Harald V and Queen Sonja [[1]]. He is married to Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby and has been a UNDP Goodwill Ambassador since 2003, committed to efforts to end global poverty [[2]].

the Crown Prince couple’s visit to Midtre Gauldal was a heartening example of their dedication to engaging with the people and culture of Norway. Through their interactions with students, health professionals, and local residents, they demonstrated their commitment to fostering a stronger connection between the royal family and the community.



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