“Royal Family in Transition: Challenges Facing King Charles III and the Monarchy”

2023-05-03 01:43:47

  • Jane Corbin and Sean Coughlan
  • BBC wide-angle lens column

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image source,Getty Images

The British royal family is going through a period of transition. Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year reign has seen major turmoil within the royal family, but it has also been, for the most part, a time of stability and change. Now, England has a new king.

Will public perception of the royal family and the monarchy change?

King Charles was confronted by demonstrations during his latest state visit, with protests colliding with high-profile crowds supporting the new monarch.

Anti-monarchists admit they were reluctant to organize such demonstrations while the queen was alive, fearing they might anger the public. But now it appears that the gloves have been taken off.

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