Roullet: Imminent end of race for “Tam Tam! », Thirty jobs threatened

Placed in receivership on April 14, the company whose head office is located in Yvrac, near Bordeaux, was waiting for potential buyers. Justice had set the deadline for August 23, according to our information. “On the 24th we learned that there was no buyer in the 16th, trace a driver. In Gironde, they will keep ten people, in the 17th they take over the deposit but almost no employees. » In the end, a good part of the 170 employees should be laid off. Including around thirty Charentais.

The ax will fall on August 31

Bitterness dominates in the corridors and behind the wheels. “We were abandoned, it was a family business, we always did our best to preserve the box”, regrets the driver. The delivery specialists hold their responsible: Labatut. The Haute-Garonne transport and logistics group, with a turnover of 90 million euros, bought out “Tam Tam! in 2019. “It was a new job for them and they did not listen to us”plague a Charente executive, 34 years of seniority.

An employee ” touch all “ describes a messy strategy. “They don’t know the courier. They make batches by full truckloads, she begins. We, every morning, we have 500 positions (delivery points Ed.) arriving and we have to dispatch them between our 30 drivers. » Fred, 25 years in the box, illustrates: “It’s as if Rungis took over the Isle-d’Espagnac market, it’s not managed the same way. »

It’s as if Rungis took over the Isle-d’Espagnac market, it’s not managed the same way.

According to his colleague, the new bosses were not interested enough in the specifics of “Tam Tam! “. “We have seen them three times in four years”, she denounces. Fred describes a botched reorganization: “They had to put freight on us, we saw nothing but a pallet. They changed the (supply) lines, our transits were falling behind. » Corollary: “We were losing customers, there was no longer any commercial activity”, comments another. The company was declared insolvent on April 6.

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Contacted Monday morning, the management of the Labatut group did not respond to our interview requests. As for the headquarters of “Tam Tam! no one to interrupt the phone jingle. Roullet’s agency no longer has an agency manager. “He left yesterday”, release the frame. The versatile employee reframes: “a great guy, he couldn’t take it anymore and I understand that he left before. » Before August 31 and the decision of the Bordeaux Commercial Court. Except surprise, the magistrates should pronounce the judicial liquidation.

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