Rottweilers bite joggers to death in Italy

During a run near Rome, a jogger was attacked and fatally injured by three Rottweilers. The 39-year-old man was bitten to death by dogs in a park in the small Italian town of Manziana on Sunday morning, the police said. His disfigured body was discovered by a passerby that morning. All help came too late. According to initial investigations, the dogs had escaped from a nearby house without the owners noticing.

After the victim was discovered, the Rottweilers were stunned, caught and taken to a kennel. It is up to the authorities to decide what to do next with them. Their owners must at least expect a report for failure to supervise. According to a report by the Italian news agency ANSA, charges of manslaughter are also being considered.

Memories of the incident in Naarn

The fatal bite attack in Italy brings back bad memories of an incident in Upper Austria: At the beginning of October last year, as reported, a 60-year-old jogger in Naarn in the Perg district was bitten to death by at least one American Staffordshire terrier. A month later there was another dog attack in Eidenberg, in which a jogger was injured by a dog bite.


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