Rostec announced the launch of mass production of control modules for drones

2024-03-15 11:05:16

The Russian holding Ruselectronics has launched a series of control modules for drones, the first batch of products has already been sent to the customer. This was reported by the press service of Rostec.

As the holding explained, serial production of electronic and electrical control modules for unmanned systems has begun. In particular, we are talking regarding navigation modules, engine controllers and flight modules. All of them are intended for use in light drone models with a carrying capacity of up to 2 kg, as well as as part of ground, underwater and surface drones.

At the moment, high-precision navigation modules are already being mass-produced; they include a GPS, GLONASS and Galileo signal receiver, as well as a high-precision barometric altimeter and a three-axis compass with temperature compensation. Engine controllers were manufactured in a pilot batch. The device is intended for use in power plants of light UAVs, underwater and surface vehicles.

The production of products is carried out at the technological base of the Kaluga Research Institute of Telemechanical Devices from Russian materials and components. The company is ready to produce up to one thousand products of each type per year. As the management stated, following the first batch of devices was shipped to the customer, a lot of orders were received from Russian companies producing drones.

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