Roshan at Red Sea Festival: ‘How can anyone stay so fit’

Ever since he came to Jeddah, he made it a routine to arrive well ahead of time for each session and sit comfortably in the front.

Due to the media card during the Jeddah Red Sea Festival, this discount and many other benefits were availed from day one, but the common man inside was yearning for the dude to get at least one session and pass the rush outside. Get inside.

To execute this intention, Faqir got up from his yawning seat in the hall and reached right outside the entrance gate and started waiting for Hrithik Roshan.

Most of the people were local Arabs including Indian and Pakistani people and this long uncountable line!

After about 20 minutes of waiting, Hrithik woke up. In the sunlight, he felt that there was some dizziness like plastic surgery, but everything was fine when he went to the hall. Maybe make up.

Come back out, the story is still there. Hrithik entered and people didn’t just climb up to take selfies, there would be a 200 step path that he had to go through and beyond the 100th step, the railing to stop people fell down.

Bodyguards were on alert around but no one was worried, the routine is there.

Hrithik went one floor higher and waved to fans with lots of smiles as he left the escalator.

Now it was a matter of getting in. The line was about 78 people. There was an empty corner where ten or twelve people were about to enter but a slim Arab young man was stopped by the guards and everyone else was standing behind. This brother did not have a ticket.

For ten minutes they were confused, the guards patiently stood their ground, but in no time a crowd of media people like me, who had been left out for some reason or purpose, formed behind us.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

After a lot of scrutiny, the media started entering. Everyone had tickets but still it took at least another five minutes and the matter was over.

Now, when they entered the hall, the party was complete. Then danced on the chance and reached the very first row with the knowledge of the visiting card of Independent Urdu. When the kind administrator asked, she told him that this is an institution, this is an employee, a report will have to be made and some videos too, so it is impossible to go back. He gave the fifth seat in the front row.

A French girl was sitting one seat away from me. After five minutes in English, he said that if my friends are not coming yet, then you can sit on the reserved seat. I sat down. Now the front screen was clear to install the camera.

After thanking him, he asked, ‘Which country are you from?’ Submitted: ‘Pakistan.’ Say in Urdu: ‘I am from Lahore.’

By God, the compatriots who are happy at this time, have ever realized in life! He said that you looked like a French from Varanasi, then his voice was a bit husky, so he laughed and said that he has been here for ten years and is a cabin crew in Saudi Airlines. The fortune of making my only picture with Hrithik was also written in his destiny by God.

After such a long time, Hrithik Roshan came. Phil looked stiff. Black pants, crisp white t-shirt, gray coat, coat tight on the arms, flapping bangs, phew! An equally heroic look. The heroes were in complete heroism!

How can someone stay so fit at 48? So that he is Hrithik Roshan and the film is his job and the personal trainer is with him round the clock!

The host had to ask about the movie ‘Kaho Na Pyaar Hai’. Say: ‘Kaho na pr hi, am I pronouncing it right?’ So Hrithik said, ‘It looks much better now. Kaho naa prrrr haye. There is more feeling coming in this Pyaarwali’ then there was laughter in the hall and the host Raya was in the process of completing her question.

The question was, ‘How did you deal with this film when it was such a huge success, it didn’t cross your mind?’

Hrithik said, ‘Of course, success was due to my hard work, but my training and more than that, my friends did not let me fly in the wind at all. I used to tell them enthusiastically every day that man this happened, that happened, they would pat me on the head and say: ‘Abe hit! Stay in time. So I was just lucky to keep my feet on the ground.’

When it came to dance, everyone wanted Hrithik to show some steps, but there was no arrangement for music. The host requested the audience to play bhai chatkis all in one rhythm, so that Hrithik could show some hilt. Now where can heroes dance in a pinch? Well, they did a few steps, and during that, Natasha French’s friend, Andalib, who was sitting next to me, requested Hrithik Roshan, ‘Can you dance with me?’

After a two-second pause, yes. Andlib was very happy. Take the mobile, reach forward, say to Hrithik ‘Give me the mic, the song is ready on it, we will place this mobile in front of the mic and this way the song will echo throughout the auditorium.’

Hrithik Roshan started laughing and said, ‘You have come fully prepared.’ Just then they played the song, repeated their famous dance steps with Hrithik and were later sent off with a hug by Hrithik. Her arrival was received, she was very happy and all the people in the hall said that under this pretext, there was no movement in the static session, India Pakistan slogans were also raised.

(Watch video here)

Now, whoever goes to Mike for a question, he says there is no question, just to take a selfie with you. Had a selfie with two or three people, a couple of genuine questions and after that Hrithik Roshan left.

The photo I asked the French girl to take while adjusting the camera was with them. The hall was extremely cold, requested him to send it on the phone and ran out of the hall saying “Wallah”.

Found a coffee shop in Dhand, poured hot liquid inside for 30 Rials. When the temperature inside and outside was equal, he started thinking of returning.

When he reached the hotel, that picture had arrived. The only proof that yes I was also present in Hrithik Roshan’s session.

What a time it is, word of mouth is trusted less and camera footage more. Long live Rao!

#Roshan #Red #Sea #Festival #stay #fit
2024-09-08 09:59:10



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