Rosenbaum – about the path of Russia and its future

Alexander Rosenbaum opposes Nazism.

Alexander Rosenbaum. Photo: Global Look Press

People’s Artist Alexander Rosenbaum on YouTube show «Empathy Manuchisaid that Russia has its own special way. This is “the path to good and through good.”

“Maybe it is not always visible, maybe it sometimes seems cruel, somehow wrong. But all the same, this friend from the constellation of Orion, who commands us, there is a whole department sitting there, working with us, so they programmed Russia to fight evil.

I am convinced of this, no matter how unflattering and wrong it may sound for many now. Through torment, all sorts of terrible things, but still we are going to the bright, ”said Rosenbaum.

Artist said that he wanted his country to “carry this truth”, as it had done for many, many years. And “victory will be for the truth,” believes Alexander Rosenbaum.

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