Rosemary: The Ideal Herb for Memory and Stress Relief – Discover the Benefits

2023-10-05 03:37:59

Rosemary, although it is commonly used to season some foods, is the ideal herb to maintain memory and combat stress, according to Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School.

“Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person’s ability to carry out daily activities,” he defined. Medina Plusthe United States National Library of Medicine.

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The ideal herb to combat stress and help memory (Photo: AdobeStock)By: nolonely –

What benefits does rosemary provide for memory?

Few plants can compare to rosemary. It has medicinal properties and is ideal for adding flavor to recipes. In this sense, Naidoo was influenced by previous research and assured that this herb contains antioxidant and brain-protective properties.

“The use of the herb and its extracts can help relieve pain while acting as a tonic for the nervous system, relieving symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety,” he added.

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The ideal herb to combat stress and help memory (Photo: AdobeStock)By: Tidarat –

Rosemary helps fight stress

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, inhibitory and mitigating properties, rosemary can be useful to combat stress and problems linked to inflammation as well as other ailments.

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Other benefits of rosemary

Its antioxidant properties help reduce the concentration of free radicals and thus reduce damage to the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and spots. In addition, rosemary is capable of stimulating collagen production, preventing the skin from becoming sagging and ensuring a younger appearance.

Rosemary oil, due to its components, can help improve blood circulation and eliminate toxins, but its application must be supervised by health professionals. The following are other benefits of this oil:

Good remedy for muscle pain. Rosemary oil has calming and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a very useful remedy in sports medicine as it usually relieves muscle pain, overworked areas and the inflammation caused in some injuries of this nature, such as sprains. Prevents poor circulation. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory power, rosemary oil also has vasodilating properties that stimulate blood circulation in the skin. In this way, it can reduce fluid retention and improve the appearance of varicose veins as well as the inflammation produced in diseases such as arthritis. Natural antiseptic. Another of the most popular uses of rosemary oil is as a natural lotion for the treatment of wounds, cuts and scrapes since it has excellent antiseptic and antibiotic properties. In addition to this, this natural extract contains healing properties so it accelerates the healing process of this type of wounds without leaving any marks. Ally for skin care. Rosemary oil is also used to treat other skin problems such as facial aging. Due to its richness in antioxidants and essential oils (especially rosmarinic acid), it helps regenerate skin cells, thus delaying the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Rosemary oil for gray hair and hair loss. If you have gray hair, rosemary oil has pigmenting properties that will unify the natural tone of the hair. In addition, due to its circulatory and revitalizing properties, rosemary stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, which causes it to not fall out as much and in turn grows stronger and healthier.

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