“Rosemary Tea: Benefits and Contraindications – All You Need to Know”

2023-05-11 03:08:12

modern life

As not all organisms are the same, the preparation of this medicinal plant has contraindications to take into account before consuming it.


One of the most popular and consumed medicinal plants is rosemary. In general, this natural product is prepared in an infusion that is also known as tea and is only accompanied by warm water.

The Farmacia Ángulo blog says that rosemary cannot be missing in the home, it has a characteristic aroma that spreads throughout all spaces and there are also those who use it as a condiment for preparing meals.

However, medical specialists, who have been interested in this traditional and popular branch of study, comment that Not all organisms are the same and, therefore, it is necessary to take into account when this infusion should not be taken to avoid side effects that can become major complications for the organism.

Added to this, experts advise do not drink the tea of ​​this medicinal plant if the person suffers from gallstones, since this preparation might obstruct the bile ducts, that is, the “network of tubes, called ducts, that connect the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine,” according to the US National Cancer Institute.

There are cases in which people do not drink rosemary tea, but apply it to an area of ​​the skin for inflammation and other treatments. In this type of situation, it is best to refrain from such application if the subject has sensitive skin. To avoid accidents, the aforementioned portal says that you can apply a little of the liquid behind the ear and see how it reacts to the dynamic organ.

The same way, If a woman is pregnant or pregnant, it is best not to take the natural preparation, at least during the first three months.

Finally, specialists say that rosemary tea should not be ingested or used externally “during lactation, or in children under six years of age.”

If for various reasons a person did not realize the contraindications that the medicinal plant has, the most reasonable thing to do is to go to a medical institution to avoid fatal consequences.

However, it is said to provide hepatoprotective and gastrointestinal effects that help improve digestion of food. It is considered a natural diuretic and for this reason, when consumed following lunch or dinner, rosemary tea helps improve the digestion process, while helping you feel satisfied for longer, says the portal. Gastrolab from Mexico.

Gastrolab indicates that by having diuretic properties, rosemary tea helps with fluid retention, stimulating the body to eliminate toxins through urine naturally. Its recommended consumption is between three and four times a day for a period of no more than three months.

According to your health, rosemary is rich in antioxidant acids such as rosmarinic, carnosic, ferulic and tannins that help improve the immune system, preventing infections and improving skin health. Besides, its antioxidant components prevent the formation of free radicals that damage cellsTherefore, this plant may have great potential as an antitumor remedy, preventing cell alterations.

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