Roof of the boarding school in Ried blown off by storm: “That could have ended badly”

Since the evening hours, fire brigades in parts of Upper Austria have been in constant operation due to storm damage. There are many operations in the Ried district.

The storm blew the roof off the building at the municipal boarding school. Parts of the roof truss also landed on the train tracks that run next to the boarding school. “Luckily, it’s already summer vacation. It might have turned out differently,” said Dominik Heinzlmaier, commander of the Neuhofen volunteer fire department, in an interview with OÖN. Together with colleagues from the Ried volunteer fire department, the roof is now being temporarily covered so that no more water can penetrate the building. “It’s probably going to be a long night today. The Ried district has been hit hard,” said Heinzlmaier.

“This situation was extremely dangerous. If there had been students in the boarding school, things might have turned out very badly today,” said a Ried firefighter who was on site. Ried’s fire chief Florian Schmidbauer said at 9 p.m. in an interview with the OÖN: “Fortunately, no one was on the bike path or sidewalk where several large pieces of the boarding school roof landed. In Ried, several roofs were badly damaged by fallen trees. The storm will certainly keep us busy overnight and tomorrow,” said Schmidbauer. In many other communities in the Ried district, firefighters are also on constant duty because of fallen trees.


Dangerous situation: Roof parts also landed on the bike path and the railway tracks.

The city park, which was closed for a short time, has reopened, according to Ried’s mayor Bernhard Zwielehner. However, the main entrance to the Ried Municipal Cemetery with its hundreds of trees has been closed. “The danger of trees falling over is high. We can expect a lot of damage,” says Zwielehner. More details will be available on Thursday.



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