“Romantic Drama Unfolds: Ana, Joaquín, and Dolores’ Claims – Latest Updates”

2023-04-18 03:21:00

Dolores makes a strong claim to Ana (Paola Turbay) for having been romantically involved with Joaquín (Sebastián Carvajal).

Likewise, Pedro unexpectedly breaks into Violeta’s house, where Joaquín was visiting the businesswoman.

Ana is honest with her daughters regarding the romance she started with Joaquín; Of course, teens don’t want to listen to her mom, because they think she’s letting them down. On the contrary, Pedro showed his support for Ana.

In the middle of the night, Joaquín greets Ana at her house, but Florencia interrupts the romantic moment when she throws hurtful words at Cortés.

Likewise, Emma knows that she is pregnant, taking into account some strange behaviors in her body. How will Samuel react?

On the other hand, Pedro confronted the subjects who robbed him, without notifying anyone.

Horacio (Jorge Enrique Abello) is honest with Adelaida regarding Ana’s new relationship; there, Dolores arrives abruptly.

Teo finds out through social networks that his father is in a relationship with another woman, but Joaquín explains why Ana is a wonderful woman.

#Chapter #Ana #nadie #April

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