Rolo Figueroa made a show of force with the groups that support his candidacy

A massive act of the formula Rolando Figueroa and Gloria Ruiz It was held this Friday followingnoon at the Olivia de Plottier property, outdoors.

The organizers reported that 10,000 people were counted. There were 52 combis, 10 buses and thousands of vehicles that filled the internal property and were located on the banks of Route 22.

All those who make up the 9 lists of candidates for provincial deputies who respond to many other groups, parties and electoral fronts spoke. The candidate for mayor of Neuquén Juan Peláez joined and the national deputy closed the ecumenical political event.

A relevant presence of oil workers dressed in their overalls who responded to Milton Morales was observed, a column of workers from the Construction Workers Union, Uocra, from the line of Juan Carlos Levi, to which was added another from the Evita Movement of Marcelo Zúniga.

Figueroa accompanied by Juan Peláez, Gloria Ruiz and Luciana Ortíz Luna. Photo: Oscar Livera

The owner of the house, the mayor of Plottier and candidate for lieutenant governor, Gloria Ruiz, had her own fans who she satisfied with her intervention following admitting that the decision was difficult. “If the mayor of Plottier was squeezed, what can they do with any neighbor”, He launched to identify the common opponent and closed the rostrum: “If they tell Rolo that he is the (Leonel) Messi of this team, I am the (Emiliano Martínez) Dibu.”

The property was like a puzzle. Each political group took their posters and brandished them towards the stage where, at the end of the interventions of the candidates for deputies, a video was shown with images and text that appealed to the sensibility of the Neuquén people, which ended in the controversial little map with the word Neuquénate. Then Rolando Figueroa spoke.

He asked to be seconded by Julieta Corroza and Juan Luis Ousett. He unified the speeches once morest the Blue sector of the MPN, he said that he did not forget that Corroza was betrayed by the party because his authorities prevented the polls from opening to recount the votes. That election was favorable to Andrés Peressini who was later on a collector’s list of the MPN.

He repeated phrases like “We are going to defend Neuquén not only from those outside but from those inside who are in the families of power”, “there are gnocchi from the families of power in the State who charge 800 thousand pesos”and “we are going to regionalize Neuquén so that each mayor decides without being pressured and then unable to pay salaries.”

Encouraged by the heterogeneous mass that encouraged him, Figueroa said that “The only way to find out who stole the money from the social plans is for us to win because we have no commitment to justice and they are going to jail.”

Zulma Reina is a candidate for deputy and one of the political references of the Rolando Figueroa space. Photo: Oscar Livera

He made a diagnosis of the Province: “There are 300,000 Neuquinos who are poor”; “They gave everything to a private company and delayed the start-up of the linear accelerator in Castro Rendón”; “Facilities were given for the construction and installation of the Galen clinic and we do not have to buy amoxicillin in the hospital.”

The most imaginative speakers were Luciana Ortíz Luna, a candidate for provincial deputy, who showed a tablet, precisely amoxicillin, and said that “we have to beg for it in hospitals.” and he identified the group of “the untouchables” to whom they have to “bow down” to get this relatively basic medicine in Public Health.

He said that the political construction led by Figueroa is going to put an end to this injustice.
Leticia Esteves carried a Neuquén flag and shone in a speech that places her not only as a descendant of the Sapag but also as a builder of a space, Republican Proposal, of a liberal nature that accompanies the Community proposal. “The Blues robbed us,” he said, referring to the symbols that the Federal Justice prevents the Community from using and justified the decision to jump. He thanked the fans “of Together for Change” the name whose use they challenged for Pablo Cervi and which, in principle, the current provincial legislator for that coalition attributed to himself.

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