2024-08-15 16:50:28
Young boules stars Sacha Jacquet and Lohan Ortega, both 14 years old, take on Madagascar at the Mondial de Novels. A game worth revisiting.
In Romain-sur-Isere, the striking power of Madagascar speaks for itself. With several very high caliber teams, the players from the Big Island have impressed. Every game against them will be unforgettable. Young Lohan Ortega and 14-year-old Sacha Jacquet provide proof of this huge opposition! Accompanied by their father Mickaël Jacquet, they teamed up with Malagasy, Guillaume Ralison Heritiana, Christian Martin Andrea Christian Martin Andrianiaina and Herilantosoa Razafimahatratra had a wonderful match.
#Rolling #Ball #Replay #14yearold #Jacquet #Ortega #Madagascar