Roller skis: Stina Nilsson winner in her long-distance debut

Roller skis: Stina Nilsson winner in her long-distance debut

After she decided last spring to change sports from biathlon to long-distance running, training has been the focus.

– It has not been a bed of roses. I probably took it a little too hard at the beginning and actually got pain in my whole body because it’s so new with staking, says Nilsson to SVT Sport.

Nilsson has many miles on the ski tracks in her legs since before, but in the new venture the distances are longer than those in which she won World Cup and Olympic gold.

Be there from the start

In the 90 kilometer competition debut, the distance did not seem to bother Nilsson. Together with Emilie Fleten, among others, who dominated the Ski Classics last year and was on the podium in all races, she set a high pace early in the race.

The fight for victory was finally decided by a sprint showdown between Nilsson and Fleten. There, Nilsson with a clenched fist in the sky crossed the finish line in a time of 3.56.03, barely two seconds ahead of Fleten. Third was last year’s winner Jenny Larsson, eleven seconds behind Nilsson.

– I had great fun today. It’s been great fun trying to read the tactical game, because it hasn’t been easy to maneuver against Ramudden (Team Ramudden, where, among others, Fleten drives), says Nilsson.

“Good receipt”

Sprinting is something she’s used to since before, so being alone with Fleten at the end suited Nilsson perfectly.

– There I got it exactly as I wanted. It was very nice when there were fewer and fewer of us in the group, because it’s a bit noisy when there are many of us, she says and continues:

– I thought that ‘if I break something, they won’t wait for me’.

Now more training awaits for the coming winter.

– It’s a good receipt on the road. Then you have to remember that it’s roller skis and a tactical race, but for me it will be good to take this into the autumn, says Stina Nilsson.



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