Roll attack Polakis on Kasselakis 2024-09-02 15:16:41

He harshly criticizes both Stefanos Kasselakis (“unconnected videos”, “display of personal life, personal choices and wealth”) and the internal party opposition of “87” (he speaks of “plans by some to leave SYRIZA MPs to give image of dissolution that is needed to reap the scenarios of the “center-left of entanglement”).

The independent member of parliament of Chania sets the axes on which – according to him – SYRIZA should operate, leaves spikes for the behavior of “a man of principle” of the leadership and claims that those who plan to split SYRIZA again “will have the luck” of the executives of the New Left which – as he says – “lost the presidency, broke up SYRIZA and finally the people classified them as their real boi”.

The Polakis post in detail:

The country needs a strong opposition that will overthrow Mitsotakis who is SHOCKED by the harsh reality experienced by the majority of society (no matter how much the financial systemic media make him out to be)

A strong opposition that will have the prospect of becoming a government with a specific program:

– Easy to understand
-Socially necessary
-In conflict with entanglement
– With hope in the new generation!


With changes in leadership, with a broad appeal to the living and progressive forces of society for self-organization and thickening of its lines, with a strong daily presence of everything on all social fronts!

With clear positions

-from national issues to the strong social state with dignified officials

– by reversing the devaluation of the value of the work brought about by the memos

– by changing the direction of the Recovery Fund’s resources to work, agricultural production and small and medium enterprises

– with public control of a bank, PPC and a refinery

– with DEEP CHANGES in the Justice that I have described

– by solving the super world and not the banks and private debt fancies


– Not even the politics of a man who has no political staff and planning, of unrelated videos on social media, of the demonstration of personal life, personal choices and the wealth they THINK about and whatever is right is pronounced as a position because SOCIETY DOESN’T LISTEN!

– nor the plans of anyone to leave Syriza MPs to give the image of dissolution that is needed to reap the scenarios of the “center-left of DIAPLOKI”!!!

Those who dare to do this will be punished both by the people and by history, as happened recently with some others who believed after the May 2023 elections “that their time has come”, lost the presidency, split SYRIZA and finally the people classified them in their real boi!


I’ll be there!”

The rift in SYRIZA is “deepening”: “Heavy talks” Kasselakis about Tsipras, throws down the gauntlet

The top rift “deepens” in SYRIZAas the Stefanos Kasselakis threw down the gauntlet to his predecessor Alexis Tsipras.

The official opposition party enters the most critical turning point, with unity being tested anew and the specter of a new split looming over Koumoundourou again.

The new rupture now also touches the top of the pyramid as St. Kasselakis challenges the former president of the party, Alexis Tsipras, to come out and speak himself.

In an interview with the newspaper Real News, which is published today, Sunday, the president of SYRIZA calls on Alexis Tsipras to immediately position himself “clearly and openly” and not through “circles and leaks”, as he typically said.

“I would at least expect Alexis Tsipras not to tolerate various of his uninvited interpreters speaking or writing, implying that they express him” he points out meaningfully and adds decisively that “all of them shrink his profile from former prime minister and faction leader to group leader” .

Stefanos Kasselakis says that Alexis Tsipras “if he wants, he can take a position himself on what is going on in our area, without “circles” and “leaks”. Clear and open, as it was put on the opening day of our Conference in February, and its putting answered by the conference body.’

Kasselakis insists on denouncing plans of circles for scenarios on the creation of a center-left party: “What emerges is a plan for a nebulous center-left figure – “rag”, which aspires to house defeated political plans, whether we are talking about the whole or a part of it even today of the anti-Semitic PASOK, or for executives of SYRIZA and the New Left”.

SYRIZA: “If some people think it’s time for another presidential election, let them officially submit their proposal”

At the same time he refuses to pick up the gauntlet of the 87 challenge himself and retreat to the base. “If there are those who think it’s time for another presidential election, just one year after my election, they can officially put their proposal at the upcoming session of the Central Committee,” he replies.

Finally, regarding the deletion of Linou, he answers: “There is no strategic move behind the deletion of Mrs. Linou. Pavlos Polakis is another, separate issue. It was not deleted because he denounced Mrs. Linou.”

The orgy background

In the days leading up to next Saturday’s central committee meeting, the background is raging.

The «87» they are preparing a motion of censure but they have not taken final decisions yet and they have together Sokratis Famellos, Nikos Faradouris and many more.

Nikos Pappas, Nina Kasimati, Petros Pappas and Vassilis Kokkalis are the staff of Stefanos Kasselakis who are publicly playing defense, but in a recent dress rehearsal (s.s.: the proposal in favor of deleting Linos), with the Kasselakis-Pappas alliance in force , only 10 members of the central committee were found to sign.

Well, the Kasselakis – Pappas definitely need the Polakis forces in the central committee to prevent an attack from the “87” – for this reason they offered him the deletion of Athena Linou as well as his return to K.O. – and here it is the question: Can Pavlos Polakis promise Kasselakis and Pappas that he will not file a motion of impeachment against the president himself, but will have his people support the motion of impeachment of the “87” or will he direct them to vote blank or abstain? And what will this mean for the next day in SYRIZA?

And if it is the “87” who will decide to abstain, on the grounds that they have no reason to legitimize from now on the procedures in a party whose president has lost the confidence of K.O. and in a little while with these conditions it will be a thing of the past?

If this position prevails among the “87”, then we will de facto see a new split in SYRIZA and the conference – as long as no new ballots have been decided on in the central committee – will assume the character of establishing a new political body, completely controlled by Stefanos Kasselakis and his team.

The “87” are said to be split between the pasochogenites, those who represent “the Coalition of 3%” and those who have references to the ruling SYRIZA. Be that as it may, the decisions are not easy, while the scenario of new independences of MPs remains on the agenda, which had flared up on the night of the episodic meeting of the parliamentary group, but did not proceed in the end.

There is still no clear answer to the question if Pavlos Polakis is convinced by Stefanos Kasselakis to ally himself with him and does not file a motion of censure next Saturday, what will the “87” do, what will Alexis Tsipras decide, that is.

Final decisions have not yet been made in the staff of the former president and prime minister, but they are expected within the week and certainly before Saturday, when the most critical meeting of the SYRIZA central committee begins, until the next one.

Perhaps the reason for a new dynamic reaction of the “87”, after the departure of 8 from the Political Secretariat and the pressure for new intra-party ballots, is the formal deletion of Christos Spirtzis (another close friend of Nikos Pappas with whom he no longer speak) next Tuesday by the Ethics Committee.

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Memorandum of dissolution of SYRIZA: More “unwashed” are coming – Violent background

#Roll #attack #Polakis #Kasselakis



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