Roger Cisterna receives the support of mayors and candidates of Chile Vamos – La Discusión 2024-07-19 17:47:02

The support of mayors and councillors in office, as well as candidates for said positions in several municipalities in the region, was received in recent hours by the former regional minister of the Economy and former governor of Diguillín, Roger Cisterna Rondanelli (RN), who seeks to become Chile Vamos’ candidate for the next regional governor election.

It should be noted that the quota belongs to the UDI, however, the search for a name following the ‘drop’ of Cristóbal Jardua has been complex.

This has caused both RN and Evópoli to put forward their own candidates, as is the case of the public administrator and master in Public Management, for whom their group is advocating.

In a letter signed by, among others, the mayors of Ñiquén, Alex Valenzuela; of San Fabián, Claudio Almuna; of Bulnes, Gonzalo Bustamante; of Portezuelo, René Schuffeneger; of Pemuco, Johnson Guíñez, and of San Ignacio, Patricio Suazo; the current municipal authorities ask that Cisterna represent the block in October.

The declaration also includes the signatures of the mayoral candidates Adán Zapata, winner of the primary in Portezuelo; the pre-candidate for mayor in Quillón, Esteban Villegas; the candidate for mayor of Trehuaco, Jorge Morales, and Renán Cabezas, who aspires to be the highest authority in El Carmen. They are joined by councillors, former authorities and candidates for regional councillors.

#Roger #Cisterna #receives #support #mayors #candidates #Chile #Vamos #Discusión



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