Rodrigo García (PPD) takes office as the fourth regional Presidential delegate of Ñuble in less than three years – La Discusión 2024-07-17 01:30:45

Unusually, and taking advantage of other changes at the national level, the government decided to announce the departure of the regional Presidential delegate for Ñuble, Anwar Farrán (PL), who had just taken office on November 10.

Although the authority’s arrival was complex, as he did not convince the local ruling parties, he was able to deploy himself in the region, despite the ghost that hovered over the seven months of his administration: the validity of his appointment.

RN deputy Frank Sauerbaum appealed to the Comptroller’s Office because Farrán had not met the requirement of prior residence in the territory, which ultimately prevented him from carrying out a series of actions inherent to the position, and which ultimately would have removed him from it.

He was replaced by Rodrigo García Hurtado, PPD, Master in Agricultural Economics from the University of Montpellier and graduate in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Chile; who until now was in charge of the administration of the General Directorate of Pledge Credit in Chillán, and who during the second government of Michelle Bachelet served as regional minister of Agriculture of Biobío.

It was precisely during that period that he was involved in a fatal car accident in Chillán, and had a conflict with the cherry growers of Quillón, a commune where he later worked with the former RN mayor, Alberto Gyhra.

Aware that he will have to lead the region with all the members of the ruling party, and at the same time dialogue with all the political sectors, he acknowledged that the establishment of the territory is still incomplete. “It will be a priority task for us,” he said.

“I have just taken office, I had my first meeting with the governor, Oscar Crisóstomo, and with the entire delegation team, with whom we discussed the emphases. This nomination was very quick for me, therefore, I am just beginning to find out what the delegation has been doing lately, although we have already established some priorities, such as security, together with the governor. Another emphasis that I want to give to the region is economic development, Ñuble requires development beyond agriculture, we know that agriculture is the main economic activity, both in the agricultural and forestry sectors, but I believe that the diversification of the economic matrix of Ñuble is essential, therefore, we have to make a great effort between the public and private sectors,” he said.

He added that he will soon have a meeting with the regional ministers, “in which I want to learn more regarding what they are doing, and to see how to support the lines of work they have been developing,” he said.

Regarding his relationship with the parties, García emphasized that he wants to work together “with all political sectors, ruling and opposition parties, parliamentarians, ruling and opposition parties. I believe that Ñuble requires work from everyone, and to do so we must join forces. There is no doubt that as a delegate I will have a role in the ruling party, and I want to call on the political parties to see, to know their opinion, and to establish a work program with them. I hope to have leadership, and therefore, I want to be evaluated based on that,” he mentioned.

Do you renounce the “cese”?

Among the member parties and those close to the local government, Farrán’s departure only served to increase the crisis of governability that the Executive has had in the region.

“As regional president of the DC, I feel obliged to express our deep concern at the recent departure of delegate Farrán. This is the third delegate to leave his post in an alarmingly short period, which shows a worrying lack of seriousness and thoroughness in the central administration,” said Paulo Campos, leader of the local Falangism.

“We also don’t know what happened, since this government has chosen to use the word ‘resignation’ instead of ‘termination’ for each of the authorities who have left, a mere window dressing to present these departures as dignified, when in reality they reflect profound instability and poor management,” he said.

He added: “This constant change not only creates uncertainty, but also delays the progress and execution of crucial plans for the development of Ñuble. The resignation or dismissal of delegate Farrán, far from being an isolated incident, is a symptom of a larger problem. The lack of seriousness and thoroughness in government management is reflected in the inability to elect its delegates and in the absence of a clear strategy to face the challenges of our region. This situation is unacceptable and undermines the trust that citizens have placed in their leaders. Apparently, we are not only the poorest region, with less drinking water and sanitation services, the region with fewer kilometers of treated roads, but also a region without leadership or political direction from the central government,” he said.

‘Ultimate’ sub PPD

From the PS, its regional president, Brígida Hormazábal, regretted the departure of Anwar Farrán, “understanding that it is a personal decision and hoping that it is not due to political pressure. At the same time, we learned of the appointment of Rodrigo García, to whom we already wish a good management, however, the socialists of the region are concerned regarding a fourth appointment in such a short period and at such a critical time for the region,” she said.

He added that “it is striking that the central government is endorsing the disunity and conflict within the alliance, and is rewarding a party that has been deeply disloyal and undisciplined in its actions within the region, mainly through Senator Loreto Carvajal,” he said, referring to the PPD.

“We have witnessed how the senator – who rarely comes to the region – and her party have undermined each regional presidential delegate, dedicating themselves unwaveringly, together with the regional PPD board, to obtain this position without caring regarding the well-being of the region. We cannot understand that a party that supports from its positions in the government, candidates outside the official pact, such as the candidates for mayor of Quirihue, Luis Pedro Fuentes; and regional governor, Ignacio Marín Abuín, who assumed a position of trust in this government; and who was on medical leave at the time he indicated his resignation from the position, attending the media questioning the very government of which he was a part, in addition to having the full support of Senator Carvajal, of the regional government authorities of the PPD, and of its regional board of directors,” he said.

Hormzábal said that “with this signal, she makes it clear to us that indiscipline and lies are condemning the unity achieved by the rest of the ruling parties and placing authorities that reinforce and encourage the opposition to take over the government. As regional president of the PS in Ñuble, I come to express our deep annoyance with what is happening. Please note that we will be attentive and expectant to the decisions made by the new delegate, requesting that she can put her party in order. If we see the influence of the senator in the administration of the region, we will make the decision, like her, to support independent candidates, such as, for example, in the municipality of Chillán, who achieve the consensus of the vast majority of the parties of the alliance for the next mayoral election,” she warned.

From the Frente Amplio, the regional leader, Francisca Leyton, expressed that “the change of the Presidential delegate has surprised us, since the new authority is little known to us. In this new regional political scenario, we consider it essential that the PPD participate in the regional conversations today and thus advance the unity of the ruling party. We hope to be able to meet soon to discuss our region, and to work together on the government program of our President Gabriel Boric,” she said.

“We celebrate that SD keeps the square”

Meanwhile, from the PPD, its regional president, Yesenia Figueroa, considers that the management of the former presidential delegate, Anwar Farrán, “fulfilled what was requested from the central level. The adjustments within the government and the emphasis are set by our President Gabriel Boric, whom we thank for the decision to appoint our colleague Rodrigo García Hurtado in this new stage for the region. We celebrate that democratic socialism maintains its position, and that they have set their sights on an outstanding professional from the region, who assumes in this new stage the challenges that the government has set for Ñuble,” she mentioned.

He added that “we are aware of Rodrigo García’s long-standing commitment to the government, and we have no doubt that his administration will be marked by the seriousness that characterizes him. We are already calling on the forces of the government coalitions to deploy in the territory and to collaborate with all our representatives in this political time that we will face in the region,” he said.

#Rodrigo #García #PPD #takes #office #fourth #regional #Presidential #delegate #Ñuble #years #Discusión



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