Robert Pattinson subsisted on tuna for the Batman role

Interview: Christian Thiele

Even die-hard fans of the comic book hero series “Batman” have to think regarding how many remakes of the original cinema film this is. And yet one thing is certain: The new reboot with Robert Pattinson (35) in a bat costume will stand out above all in one thing from all its predecessors: At just under three hours, it is the longest “Batman” film of all time. But, according to Pattinson, that’s not the only thing that makes “The Batman” different from all the others: “We shot a detective story in the film noir style of the 70s,” explains Pattinson.

Batman as a detective?
Robert Pattinson: I know, I found that funny at first too. But it fits very well. Usually, Batman shows up at the crime scene and right away beats up the bad guys. This time he is investigating, following clues.



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