Robert Gawliński has been with his wife for 40 years. Years ago, he had a brush with death

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Robert Gawliński is one of the most charismatic figures on the Polish music scene. The leader of the Wilki band launched such hits with his group as: “Baśka”, “Bohema”, “Urke”, “Na zawsze i na wieczność”, “Son Of The Blue Sky” and “Love Story”. Despite the passage of many years, the band still enjoys great popularity and records new songs. Robert Gawliński, who turned 61 on August 31, 2024, does not hide that his greatest inspiration and love is his beloved wife. – Monika Gawlinska.

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Robert Gawliński and Monika Gawlińska have been together for almost 40 years. What did their path to great love look like? The couple had to overcome several serious crises along the way, but this only strengthened their relationship. This is the love story of Robert and Monika Gawliński.

Robert Gawliński and Monika Gawlińska – the history of the relationship



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