Robbed at Lake Garda: “When I saw the destroyed BMW, I almost cried”

published9. June 2022, 16:59

For CT from Chur, the stay at Lake Garda ended badly. The family’s BMW was completely dismantled by thieves.

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“The steering wheel, headlights, brakes, car radio and other equipment were gone. In addition, all the cables were cut,” says CT from Chur.


For the 63-year-old, the stay at Lake Garda recently ended ugly.  The family's BMW was completely dismantled by thieves.

For the 63-year-old, the stay at Lake Garda recently ended ugly. The family’s BMW was completely dismantled by thieves.


A shock for the 63-year-old: “I only bought the car in March. I can’t believe there are people doing this. At the sight of the destroyed BMW, my wife and I almost cried.”


CT* from Chur regularly spends holidays with his wife in Castelnuovo del Garda on Lake Garda. “We are there a lot and can stay in a friend’s apartment,” says the 63-year-old. Only recently he was there once more for a few days. «One morning we were woken up by a neighbor. He told us that our car was disassembled overnight,” said T. He immediately went to check: “The steering wheel, headlights, brakes, car radio and other equipment were gone. In addition, all cables were cut. I immediately alerted the police.”

A shock for the 63-year-old: “I only bought the car in March. I can’t believe there are people doing this. At the sight of the destroyed BMW, my wife and I almost cried.” He reported the theft to the insurance company. He had already been given the prospect of a payment of the amount of the damage. Nevertheless, he would like to warn others to take better care of their vehicles. “Especially now that the summer holidays are regarding to begin and many are traveling abroad,” says T.

EDA warns of caution in its travel advice for Italy

According to TCS, many vehicles are stolen, especially in Italy and France. Car brands such as Audi, BMW, VW and Mercedes are particularly at risk. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) also warns of caution in its travel advice for Italy. Particular suspicion is required in the case of intentionally caused, minor accidents or damage. If there is any suspicion, call the Carabinieri.

In the event of theft or damage to a vehicle, the TCS advises alerting the police and reporting it. It is just as important to inform the vehicle insurance company and possibly also the travel insurance company as quickly as possible. TCS recommends removing the ignition key when refueling. In addition, the vehicle should be emptied as quickly as possible following arrival at the destination and no valuables should be left behind. It should also be checked manually whether the car was actually locked.

*Name known to editors



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