Road works undertaken by Itaipu in Alto Paraná and Canindeyú are being checked

Asuncion, IP Agency.- A delegation from Itaipu inspected the road works financed by the Entity in the municipalities of Alto Paraná and Canindeyú, departments that are part of the area of ​​influence of the Binational.

The first point visited was Avenida Brasil in the city of San Alberto. Through the Superintendency of Works and Development, dependent on the Coordination Directorate, 1,052 linear meters of cobblestone street were paved, which is equivalent to 8,000 square meters of asphalt.

The project was carried out within the framework of the “Promoting Sustainable Development” project, which includes different types of projects, such as drinking water systems and investments in the health sector, in different locations.

The delegation then headed to the town of Nueva Esperanza, in Canindeyú, where the paving of 21 blocks in the urban area was recently completed, equivalent to 18,220 linear meters of asphalt.

“We carried out several important works under the instructions of the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, and the Paraguayan general director of Itaipu, Justo Zacarías Irún; who asked us to be close to the people and for this we have to be close to the authorities. Today we have this reality in this community and this generates a very positive impact on the people,” said the executive coordination director, Julio Paredes.

Development of the municipality

The mayor of Nueva Esperanza, Sergio Godoy, said that this type of work brings important development to any municipality and affirmed that the community is very happy with Itaipu’s investments in the area.

“We are happy and content, this work marks a before and after. It gives it another appearance, another image and the scenery changes. People value it and give their support, they like to travel and choose asphalt for it. All these elements add up to make the work different and qualified. I thank the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, for having these improvements,” he said.

Finally, the authorities verified the asphalt paving works in the municipality of Puerto Adela, also in the fourteenth department. In this district, Itaipu financed the asphalt paving of 5,600 square meters of surface, equivalent to 6 blocks of street in the urban area.

It is worth highlighting that the works consisted of removing and replacing paving stones and recompacting the base. In addition, a 4-centimeter-thick asphalt layer was installed on the regularization; in addition to speed regulators (marked asphalt concrete humps), horizontal signage with road paint and reflective studs; and vertical indicative, warning and regulatory signage.

#Road #works #undertaken #Itaipu #Alto #Paraná #Canindeyú #checked
2024-08-28 22:30:08



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