Road infrastructure improvement plan agreed for Carmelo Peralta

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) and the Municipality of Carmelo Peralta agreed on a work plan to improve the district’s infrastructure.

The document was signed by the minister, Claudia Centurión, and the mayor of Carmelo Peralta, Silverio Adorno.

The action program will allow the necessary steps to be taken with Itaipu Binacional to ensure financing for the works, which include road access to the bridge connecting Carmelo Peralta (PY) and Puerto Murtiño (BR), known as the Bioceanic Bridge, as well as the rehabilitation of key infrastructures in the city, such as the double main avenue, docks and a strategic viewing point.

Felix Zelaya, technical advisor of the Coastal Defense and Bridges Project Executive Unit of the MOPC, explained that this work plan was already planned and that, after the signing of the agreement, it will be presented to the Binational Council for approval.

“Once approved by the Council of the binational, we will begin the call for bids,” said Zelaya.

About Carmelo Peralta

Located 750 km northwest of Asunción, Carmelo Peralta is a town with a rich history and a promising future. With a population of over 4,000, the city has become a key point, not only for ecological and fishing tourism, but also as a fundamental access point in the Bioceanic Corridor that connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.

Surrounded by other important towns such as La Esperanza, Puerto Casado, Puerto Guaraní and Fuerte Olimpo, Carmelo Peralta is viewed with optimism by its residents, who perceive its development as a catalyst for regional progress.

With this alliance, the municipality is expected to not only improve its urban infrastructure, but also strengthen its position as a crucial node in regional and national integration.

#Road #infrastructure #improvement #plan #agreed #Carmelo #Peralta
2024-08-22 07:00:10



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