RMUTP R2R Research: Submit Your Academic Articles for Publication and Knowledge Exchange

2023-07-19 03:50:00

Rajamangala Phra Nakhon invites you to submit research articles – academic articles research and development institute Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon Prepare a supporting research journal Rajamangala Phra Nakhon (RMUTP R2R Research) for dissemination of academic information The development of routine work to research for both internal and external supporting personnel in higher education institutions across the country which has content that is useful in professional circles Or works from routine work that has been revised and improved. To be a medium for exchanging knowledge and new techniques that personnel can use to further develop their work in the professional field. There are plans to publish 2 issues a year in online format, issue 1 (January – June) and issue 2 (July – December). In institutions of higher education across the country and those who are interested in submitting research articles. Academic articles, length 10-15 A4 pages, must not be published or under consideration in other journals. Those interested can submit articles from now on at E-mail: rmutpr2r@rmutp.ac.th. See more details on the website. research and development institute Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon Tel. 02 665 3777 Ext. 6094 6646 and 8207 Send news at email: saowaporn12345@gmail.com , saowaporn@hotmail.com and bat_mamsao@yahoo.com
#Hometown #Rajamangala #Phra #Nakhon #invites #submit #research #articles #academic #articles

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