Riviera Trasporti, Roberto Danieli to Mager: “The people of Sanremo do not deserve this treatment”

“As if a movie already seen was to be demonstrated, the Provincial Council on behalf of President Scajola responds to the invitation letter of the mayor Mager: ‘Put more money and then we’ll see’. The answer was obvious, now mayor what will he do?” These are the words of Roberto Danieli, candidate for mayor of Sanremo in the last elections, regarding the response of the provincial council to the mayor of Matuziano regarding the latest events of Riviera Trasporti.

“So what will Mager do? Will he put more money into RT? Will he organize a city transport service, or will he leave everything as it is? The citizens of Sanremo do not deserve to be treated in this manner. Dear Mayor, we are almost at the end of the 100 days, at the moment only chatter and propaganda”.



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