“River Senior welcomes Ezequiel Cirigliano: A heartwarming gesture of support and inclusion by the club”

2023-04-18 04:17:57


The River Senior started the tournament with the addition of Ezequiel Cirigliano. The great gesture of the club to accompany him and contain him following living a hard time.

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© @veritoleoEzequiel Cirigliano wore the River shirt once more.

The Senior League started and the millionaire presented several new faces within his squad. With the aim of once once more being the protagonist of the tournament, those led by Máximo Gallardo appeared this Monday night on the auxiliary field of the Monumental with a team full of figures, who left a pleasant memory for the fans in their past at the club. . Tonight it was measured once morest San Lorenzo for the first date of the tournament, in an emotional classic from the start.

In addition to the usual presences of Ariel Ortega and Chori Domínguez, two of the most outstanding players in the Millionaire cast in recent times, the debut of the Senior team presented pleasant news for the entire soccer world: Ezequiel Cirigliano joined the River squad and returned to play football following going through some complex situations that kept him away from professional activity. The match ended tied 2-2, but the result is anecdotal. It is a huge gesture from the Millionaire, who once once more opened the doors of the club that saw him born from its lower divisions.

The former steering wheel of the Biggest was detained for a few months for a police act that ended up being clarified in favor of the player. But what worried his family and those close to him the most was his mental health and the need to face treatment to overcome a severe depression. River’s call and the possibility of playing once more on the synthetic grass field attached to the Monumental is a true caress to the soul for a human being who needs support and containment.

#Huge #gesture #River #Cirigliano #joined #Senior #soccer #team



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