Risks and Dangers of the Brûly Bypass: Find Safety Solutions for Slippery Roads

2023-07-30 19:00:00

At the end of the day on Saturday, around 7 p.m., a car registered in the Netherlands found itself on the roof on the edge of the Brûly bypass. According to our colleagues from SudPresse, the driver was slightly injured and taken to hospital.

Similar facts had already occurred Friday around 2 p.m., a car had run aground in the ditch, on the same stretch of road.

Regular users of this route warn: “We know very well that in rainy weather this place is a real skating rink“. Some even go further by pointing out that this place, in rainy weather, causes accidents, but instead of solving the problem, signs “caution slippery roads” have been put up.

#accidents #Couvin #bypass

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