Risk of unhealthiness in health centres denounced due to lack of water

The non-governmental organization Monitor Salud revealed data related to access to water services in the country’s health centers, figures that raise alarm bells in the face of the risk of unhealthiness.

According to the numbers shared this Thursday by the NGO in its social network account Xwater scarcity is becoming greater as the year progresses, which has led to them relying on alternative options, such as purchase of tanks and even structural intervention for the use of wells.

In its report, Monitor Salud revealed that of the 31 health centers that took part in the survey, More than half (53.9%) indicated that water does not reach all areasThis poses a serious danger given the constant medical treatment required by the country’s hospitals.

On possible solutions, 32.2% depend on the regular purchase of tankers54.8% use wells and 12.9% opt for both alternatives.

Just over a quarter of the hospitalsrepresented by 25.6%, indicated that the water supply is 19 to 24 hours a day; however, The majority (54.8%) only receive water for six to 12 hours per day..

#Risk #unhealthiness #health #centres #denounced #due #lack #water
2024-07-18 11:03:34



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