Risk of breaking your hip: rheumatologist names disease with terrible consequences

Risk of breaking your hip: rheumatologist names disease with terrible consequences

According to statistics, an increased risk of fractures threatens every third woman and every fifth man over 50 years old. Rheumatologist, candidate of medical sciences Marina Shupina told Klops about this.

The disease that causes bones to become unusually brittle is called osteoporosis and is asymptomatic. “A person usually goes to the doctor after a fracture, often after the second or third,” Shupina noted.

Osteoporosis is divided into two types

  • Primary form. It occurs during menopause in women and in the senile (old) period in men. The cause is a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium or a violation of their absorption.

“The first fracture usually occurs 6-8 years after the onset of menopause, and in men it is diagnosed at 70 years of age,” the rheumatologist explained.

  • Secondary form. It is found among young, working-age people. Osteoporosis occurs for many reasons, including taking medications.

It is important to detect the pathology in advance, since the fragility of the vertebrae and limbs often leads to disability and incapacity. “The first fracture gives birth to the second. The risk of breaking the femoral neck increases several times, and with such an injury, about 10% of patients die within the first year,” the rheumatologist emphasized.

To prevent dire consequences, drug treatment is necessary. Special drugs restore the mineral density of bone tissue and protect against subsequent fractures.

“An effective treatment can be selected by a doctor, and only taking into account the indications and characteristics of the patient’s condition,” the doctor of medical sciences concluded.

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