Risk before national celebrations; alert for alcohol consumption

Risk before national celebrations; alert for alcohol consumption

Every year, the celebrations of the Independence of Mexico drive sales of intoxicating beverages in the country, which is reflected in figures from the Federal Ministry of Health (SSA) regarding alcohol poisoning on these dates.

“Alcohol poisoning is a serious and sometimes fatal consequence of consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time,” warns the Mayo Clinic in your Health Library.

Likewise, it lists that the symptoms of alcohol poisoning are confusion, vomiting, convulsions, slow breathing (less than eight breaths per minute) or irregular breathing (there is a 10-second interruption between one breath and another), bluish, grayish or pale skin. , low body temperature (hypothermia) and difficulty staying conscious or awake.

According to the historical archive of the SSA Epidemiological Bulletin, in 2018, 514 Yucatecans became intoxicated with alcohol during the national celebrations of Mexico, which begin on September 13, dedicated to the Children Heroes, and continue on the 15th, with the Grito of Independence, and on the 16th, with the commemorative parade.

Specifically, 259 Yucatecans (242 men and 17 women) suffered alcohol poisoning in week 37 (September 9-15) of 2018 and 272 (255 men and 17 women) in week 38 (September 16-22). The latter is the highest figure of the 2018-2023 six-year period.

In 2019, the number of people who drank alcohol until becoming intoxicated during the national holidays in Yucatán decreased to 397: 215 (194 men and 21 women) in week 37 (September 8-14) and 182 (158 men and 24 women) in the week. 38 (September 15-21).

The following year, 2020, when prohibition reigned due to the pandemic, the number of Yucatecans intoxicated with alcohol plummeted: 19, all men, in week 38 (September 13-19).

Since then, every year the number of people who suffer alcohol poisoning during the national holidays in Yucatán has fallen.

Nine poisoned people (eight men and one woman) in week 37 (September 12-18) of 2021. The 16th, Independence Day, fell on a Thursday.

Five (four men and one woman) in week 37 (September 11-17) of 2022. The 16th was a Friday. Zero cases in week 37 (September 10-16) of 2023.

Because Independence Day fell on a Saturday in 2023, revelers continued celebrating until Sunday the 17th. The SSA says four Yucatecans, all men, suffered alcohol poisoning in week 38 (September 17-23).

So far in 2024, the largest number of Yucatecans with alcohol poisoning was reported to the SSA in week 28 (July 7-13), the first of the summer holidays, with 17 intoxicated, all men, about two or three a day.

It is followed by week 17 (April 21-27), which included the weekend before Children’s Day, with 14 poisoned people (11 men and three women), practically two daily.

And in third place, week 23 (June 2-8), with 11 Yucatecans with alcohol poisoning: eight men and three women.— FES

#Risk #national #celebrations #alert #alcohol #consumption
2024-09-29 02:10:10



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