Risk Atlas proposed to protect medical interns

From the Editorial Office / The Journal

Monday, August 01, 2022 | 17:51

Chihuahua.- The former president of the College of Physicians, Dr. Luis Javier García, proposed creating a Risk Atlas to attend to the assignment, provision of services, protection and even transfer in case of emergency, for intern doctors.

“As long as comprehensive actions are not taken by the different levels of government and the educational authorities, the problem will remain the same,” said the doctor, also a former director of the Health Services of Chihuahua.

He said that this Atlas of Risk will allow knowing the conditions of the medical facilities, the social and socioeconomic context of the area, and above all, the issues of crime rates.

A very relevant aspect he pointed out within the Atlas is the diagnosis of infrastructure conditions, with a decalogue of minimum conditions that health centers or hospitals must have, such as bars on windows, metal main doors and fences.

Most rural and urban medical facilities lack these minimum security conditions.

Another relevant issue is communication between the interns and the hospital itself with the police, which must be by radio, so that any security emergency can be attended to immediately.

I also propose that in the care of medical services, especially at night, medical interns be accompanied by elements of the local police.

“We must think of a security protocol, which is part of that Risk Atlas, agreed upon by medical colleges, specialized security associations, and the three levels of government, under the leadership of the medical schools,” he specified.

“There should be a protocol in which the police are prepared to remove an intern from the place of risk and relocate him to another hospital, for which it would help a lot to have periodic measurements of the crime rate, which the Executive Secretariat of Security has, even the Prosecutor’s Office or Ficosec,” he added.

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He also proposed the implementation of medical brigades that would go to the areas of greatest risk on a monthly basis, such as health caravans, where the Atlas states that there should not be a permanent intern, with multidisciplinary personnel, nurses, doctors, dentists, etc. , on tours in remote communities, with the protection of the National Guard, so that in turn the constitutional postulate of providing health is fulfilled, but in safe conditions.

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