Rising to the Occasion: Wisdom from the Pope for a Flourishing Indonesia


Chairman of the Independence Network (Jaman) Iwan Dwi Laksono (private doc)

Pope Francis’ arrival in Indonesia has been a great inspiration. The Holy Father’s humble spirit has been a lesson for many who have seen him sitting in the front seat of a car, staying at the Vatican Embassy, ​​and coming and going from Indonesia on commercial aircraft.

Also read: Jokowi’s Meeting with the Pope Discusses Peace in Gaza, Palestine

“The exemplary behavior of the Holy Father Pope Francis brings the spirit of independence, along with Indonesia’s journey towards Golden Indonesia 2045,” said the General Chair of the Independence Network (Jaman) Iwan Dwi Laksono in a written statement received by Indonesian MediaFriday (6/9).

Iwan, who was involved in the committee and volunteers for Pope Francis’ arrival in Indonesia, added that the Pope’s inspiration was increasingly visible when he led the Holy Mass with more than 100 thousand people at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Thursday, September 5, 2024. In his homily or sermon, the Pope asked Catholics to always bring peace into life.

Therefore, Iwan hopes that a spark of inspiration from Pope Francis’ visit can provide a bright spot for the future government to find a way out of various problems towards the golden generation in the 1st century of Indonesian independence.

Iwan hopes that as a large country, Indonesia will have greater self-confidence and can emulate the example of Pope Francis, especially for the new national leadership that will take place after October 20 and the regional governments that will be formed after the Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) on November 27.

“Ciao, farewell Pope Francis to the apostolic visit to the neighboring country. Grazie, thank you very much for the example of simplicity for us all to emulate,” he concluded. (X-7)

#Learning #Pope #Facing #Problems #Golden #Indonesia

How has Pope Francis’ humble spirit influenced Indonesia’s goals for Golden Indonesia 2045? ‌

Pope⁣ Francis’ Humble Spirit Inspires Indonesia’s Journey to ​Golden Indonesia 2045

Pope Francis’ recent visit to ⁤Indonesia has ⁣left a lasting impression on the nation, inspiring many with his humble spirit and message of peace. From September 4‌ to 6, 2024, the Pope visited Indonesia‌ as part of his Apostolic⁤ Journey to Asia, bringing a⁣ sense of hope and unity to the nation [[1]].

A Humble Leader

During his ⁣visit, Pope Francis demonstrated his humility and simplicity, choosing to sit in the front ‍seat of a car, stay‍ at the Vatican Embassy, and travel on commercial aircraft [[2]].‍ This humble⁢ behavior has been an inspiration to many, showing that even the highest leaders can lead by example with simplicity and gratitude.

A Message of Peace and Faith

On September 5, 2024, Pope Francis led a Holy Mass ​at the Gelora Bung Karno‌ Main Stadium, attended by over 100,000 people. In his homily, the Pope asked⁣ Catholics to bring peace into ⁤their daily lives, promoting a message of love,​ compassion, and ‍unity [[3]].‍ This message resonated deeply with the Indonesian people, who ⁣are striving to create a more peaceful and harmonious society.

Inspiring⁣ Indonesia’s⁣ Journey to Golden Indonesia 2045

Iwan Dwi ⁣Laksono, General⁣ Chair of the Independence ⁢Network⁣ (Jaman), believes that Pope Francis’ visit⁤ has brought a spark of inspiration to Indonesia’s journey towards Golden Indonesia 2045. Laksono, ‌who was involved‌ in the committee and volunteers for Pope Francis’ arrival in Indonesia, hopes that‍ the Pope’s inspiration will provide a bright⁣ spot⁤ for the future government to⁢ find a way out of various problems and challenges facing‌ the ⁢nation.

Battling Climate Change and Religious Extremism

During his visit, Pope Francis also ⁤raised important issues ‌such‌ as climate‌ change⁤ and religious extremism, emphasizing‍ the need for collective action to address these pressing global concerns [[3]]. ⁤His message resonated⁣ with the Indonesian people, who are committed to creating a more sustainable and inclusive society.


Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia has been ⁣a truly​ inspirational event, bringing hope and unity​ to the nation. His ⁢humble spirit, message of peace, and emphasis on collective action have⁢ inspired many,⁤ and will continue to inspire Indonesia’s ⁤journey towards Golden Indonesia 2045. As the nation moves forward, it is essential to remember​ the Pope’s words ​and continue to work⁣ towards a more peaceful,⁣ harmonious, and sustainable‍ society for all.

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Pope Francis’ Humble Spirit Inspires Indonesia’s Journey to Golden Indonesia 2045

Pope Francis’ recent visit to Indonesia has left a lasting impression on the nation, inspiring many with his humble spirit and message of peace. From September 4 to 6, 2024, the Pope visited Indonesia as part of his Apostolic Journey to Asia, bringing a sense of hope and unity to the nation [[1]].

A Humble Leader

During his visit, Pope Francis demonstrated his humility and simplicity, choosing to sit in the front seat of a car, stay at the Vatican Embassy, and travel on commercial aircraft [[2]]. This humble behavior has been an inspiration to many, showing that even the highest leaders can lead by example with simplicity and gratitude.

A Message of Peace and Faith

On September 5, 2024, Pope Francis led a Holy Mass at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, attended by over 100,000 people. In his homily, the Pope asked Catholics to bring peace into their daily lives, promoting a message of love, compassion, and unity [[3]]. This message resonated deeply with the Indonesian people, who are striving to create a more peaceful and harmonious society.

Inspiring Indonesia’s Journey to Golden Indonesia 2045

Iwan Dwi Laksono, General Chair of the Independence Network (Jaman), believes that Pope Francis’ visit has brought a spark of inspiration to Indonesia’s journey towards Golden Indonesia 2045. Laksono, who was involved in the committee and volunteers for Pope Francis’ arrival in Indonesia, hopes that the Pope’s inspiration will provide a bright spot for the future government to find a way out of various problems and challenges facing the nation.

Battling Climate Change and Religious Extremism

During his visit, Pope Francis also raised important issues such as climate change and religious extremism, emphasizing the need for collective action to address these pressing global concerns [[3]]. His message resonated with many, especially in Indonesia, where climate change and religious extremism are significant challenges facing the country.

Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia has been a beacon of hope for the nation, inspiring many to work towards a more peaceful, harmonious, and sustainable future. As Indonesia strives to achieve its goals for Golden Indonesia 2045, the Pope’s humble spirit and message of peace will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping the country’s future.







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