Rising Tide of Tragedy: An Alarming Increase in Migrant Deaths

Rising Tide of Tragedy: An Alarming Increase in Migrant Deaths

CIUDAD JUÁREZ (EFE).— A record 165 migrants have died so far this year on the Chihuahua border with Texas and New Mexico in the United States, which already exceeds the 149 for all of 2023, activists warned at the Permanent Seminar on Human Mobility, organized by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Mexico.

This 10% increase reflects the extreme and dangerous conditions faced by migrants trying to cross into the United States, Alejandra Corona, JRS coordinator in Ciudad Juárez, the main border city in this area, explained at this weekend’s seminar.

“The records of encounters with migrants in the El Paso region, Texas, on their way to the United States continue to be very high, so this really causes us concern,” Corona said.

Authorities have expressed concern about the situation, citing extreme heat and lack of water as key factors in the rise in deaths.

Some officials also acknowledge that the militarization of the U.S. border and more restrictive policies are forcing migrants to take increasingly dangerous routes.

“It is worrying, because it is a life, because it is the population to which we owe ourselves, it is our target population,” said Dirvin Luis García, head of the Migrant Care Division of the State Population Council in Chihuahua.

Another critical factor is the intensification of security measures at the border, especially in Texas, with a greater deployment of military forces and border patrols that push migrants to less guarded paths, but more deadly due to their remoteness and the harsh conditions of the terrain.

“This mobility trend towards this containment policy is leading to the opening of alternative routes that are often less safe for traffic,” he said.

The International Organization for Migration declared the U.S.-Mexico border “the most dangerous land migration route in the world” in September, with more than 686 migrants dead or missing along 3,000 kilometers in 2022.

#Record #number #migrant #deaths
2024-09-15 20:01:13

​ What is ‍the purpose of the​ HTML ‍`

` element in ⁢web development?

I think there may be a mistake here. You didn’t provide a topic for me​ to write about, but instead, provided a news article about ⁢migrant deaths at the US-Mexico border.

If you meant to ask me ⁣to write an article on the topic of the HTML ⁤

element, here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article​ on the topic:


Element: A ⁤Versatile Building Block for Web Development


element is one of the most widely used‍ and⁤ versatile ‌elements ⁢in web development. It is a⁤ generic container element that⁢ allows developers to group elements together‍ and apply styles, layout, and behavior‌ to them. In ⁢this article, we’ll explore the uses,⁤ benefits,‍ and best practices of using⁢ the

element in HTML.

What​ is the



‍ element is a block-level element that represents a division or a section⁣ of a document. It is⁤ a ‍generic container ‌element that can be used to group elements together, ⁤similar​ to a

element, but without any ‌inherent meaning or formatting. The

element is often⁢ used to wrap a section of content, apply ​styles, or ⁣create a layout structure.

Uses of the



element has a wide range of‍ uses in ​web development. Here are some of the most common uses:

Grouping‌ elements: The

element can be used to group related elements together,⁤ such ‍as a heading, paragraph, and‌ image.

Applying styles: The

element can be used to apply styles, such as​ backgrounds, borders, and padding, to a group of elements.

Creating layouts: ‌The

element is often⁣ used to create layouts, such as grids, columns, and rows, using CSS.

Semantic meaning: Although the

element doesn’t ‌have any inherent meaning, it can⁤ be ‌used⁤ to add semantic meaning to a document by wrapping⁤ sections of content⁣ with a

element‍ and adding an ⁣ARIA role or attribute.

Benefits of using the



​element has several benefits that make it a popular ‍choice among web developers:

Flexibility: ‍The

element is a generic container element that can​ be used in a wide range​ of situations.

Customizability: The

element can be styled and ​structured using ⁣CSS, making it highly customizable.

Accessibility: The

element can be used to add semantic meaning to a document, making it more ⁣accessible to ⁤users with disabilities.

Best practices for using the


Here are some best practices​ to keep in mind when using the​


Use meaningful IDs and classes: Use meaningful IDs and classes to identify and style

elements, rather than using generic names like ⁢”wrapper” or “container”.

Use ⁤

⁢ elements sparingly: Avoid using too many

elements, as they can make the ⁤HTML ⁤structure more‍ complex and harder to maintain.

Use alternative elements when possible: Consider using​ alternative elements, such as‌


, ⁢or

, when possible, to add more semantic​ meaning to the document.



element is‌ a versatile and widely used element in web development. Its flexibility,‌ customizability, and accessibility make ​it a ⁢popular choice‍ among web developers. By ‌following best practices ‍and using the

element judiciously, ⁤developers can create well-structured, maintainable, and accessible web pages.

What is the purpose of the HTML `

` element in web development?

I apologize for the confusion! It seems like I was provided with a news article instead of a topic to write about. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

However, I’m happy to provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the HTML

element, as I’ve already started writing it.


Element: A Versatile Building Block for Web Development


element is one of the most widely used and versatile elements in web development. It is a generic container element that allows developers to group elements together and



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