Rising Tensions: Is a Revolt Brewing Against the Life Skills Initiative

He was happy with the number of signatures

One Facebook user, a representative of the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens, recently shared a screenshot of an article in the title of which informs about the collected signatures.

“Already almost 50 thousand citizens oppose Life Skills program in schools,” reads the headline, which can be seen in the screenshot.

The netizen who shared it was happy with this information: “The number of signatures against the life skills program is approaching 50 thousand. There are indifferent people.”

Screenshot from Facebook

The post received more than 500 reactions in a few days. It was shared by approximately 160 people.

In the comments, some expressed support for such an initiative, others were looking for where to sign. There have even been claims that the number is false because even more people are against the program.

“Who set those numbers?” Disagree significantly more!!! Stop manipulating imaginary numbers… like ‘leaders’ or ‘most popular,’” wrote one woman.

“Disagree significantly more, but everyone is silent, and there are those around me. Oh, the last year, oh, not much left. And as for the grandchildren, no one thinks,” wrote another netizen.

The author of the post also shared a link to Google in the comments. the documentwhere you can write before the program.

Screenshot from Google Docs

Screenshot from Google Docs

Unclear sources

The article, a screenshot of which was posted by a Facebook user, was published on the website 77.ltwhich presents itself as the first decentralized platform in the country and which, among other things, is announced and misleading information.

The text highlights the quote that “according to Wednesday’s 19:00 calculations, 48,953 signatures of residents have already been collected against the GĮP in Lithuanian schools“.

Screenshot from “77.lt”

The article was published on the morning of Friday, October 20. It means the data was two days old, not specified during the previous day.

However, the text does not give the author of the quote or indicate any sources used to publish these figures.

It was not possible to contact and verify the source of information with the author of the article. Like the woman who shared a screenshot of the article on her Facebook account. This makes it difficult to determine where the figures are taken from.

The number of signatories in the Google Docs form referred to in the article is known only to the person who created the document. As a result, it was also not possible to find out the number of signatures here.

It is not clear who exactly is the author of this petition, because no last name is mentioned in the description.

The woman who shared the mentioned article previously also published 77.lt the prompt sign this petition.

Determining the number of people who support this type of initiative is also difficult due to the fact that everyone can sign an unlimited number of times, as one commenter on Facebook also noted.

“So what’s the point of collecting signatures, if I can fill in for belekiek people just me? In that sense, no authentication, nothing, it seems that there is only a mock election here of some kind,” he wrote.

50 thousand supporters of another petition. not yet

The petition initiated by LVŽS has not yet collected 50 thousand. signatures. Petition The representatives of the party “Stop the teaching of the life skills program in general education schools” have presented on the page Peticijos.lt.

Screenshot from “Peticijos.lt”

It is indicated that it is addressed to the Minister of Education, Science and Sports. At the moment it is Gintautas Jakštas.

The petition has already been supported by more than 16,000 people. signatures. More than 2 thousand were also collected. EUR support. Signatures are collected here until the end of the year.

“We demand to stop the mandatory teaching of the Life Skills Program in Lithuanian schools. The content of this program, which is controversial and promotes genderist ideologies, has not been discussed with the public, and the base of learning tools and qualified pedagogues for teaching the subject has not been prepared.

Such a general education program in Lithuanian schools is opposed by the majority of society”, the description of the petition states.

On this page you can find all the signatures, the dates when the person signed, and their comment, if any.

Also provided mapwhich shows how many people from certain neighborhoods have signed it.

Currently, Vilnius is leading, with almost 1.9 thousand. signatures, followed by Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and other cities.

15min verdict: missing context. Information that almost 50,000 people have been collected under the petition against the life skills education program. signatures, published without any evidence. Only the person who created the special document for collecting signatures can see how many signatures there can be, it is not shown publicly. After another – initiated by LŽVS – the petition has so far collected a little more than 16 thousand. signatures.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metait aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

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#uproar #life #skills #program #unsettling #signatures
2024-09-09 12:05:13

Here ⁢are some⁣ People Also⁤ Ask (PAA) related questions for the title “The ⁤Controversy Surrounding Life Skills Programs in Schools: A Critical Analysis”:

The Controversy ⁣Surrounding Life Skills Programs in Schools: A Critical Analysis

In recent times, there ‍has been ⁣a growing debate about the implementation of Life Skills⁢ programs in schools. ⁢The program aims ‍to equip students with ​essential skills to ​navigate‍ the challenges of everyday ⁢life, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. However, not everyone is convinced of ⁣its benefits, as evidenced by a recent article that went⁣ viral ⁢on social media, highlighting the collective opposition of nearly 50,000 ​citizens against the Life Skills program in Lithuanian schools.

The ‍Concerns Over Life Skills Programs

The article, which was shared on Facebook by ⁣a representative of the ‌Union of Lithuanian Peasants and ⁣Greens, sparked a heated discussion about the merits of Life Skills programs in schools. While some expressed support for the initiative, others were‍ skeptical, citing the lack of transparency and accountability in the program’s⁢ implementation. The article’s headline, “Already almost 50 thousand citizens oppose Life Skills program in schools,” seemed to amplify the concerns of those who question​ the program’s effectiveness.

The Role of Life Skills in Education

Life Skills programs are designed to help students develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout ⁤their ⁢lives. These skills include⁢ critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and emotional intelligence, among others. The programs are often integrated into the curriculum to promote a more holistic approach to education. Research has shown that Life Skills programs can have​ a positive ⁣impact on ​students’ academic performance, social⁢ skills, and overall well-being [1[1[1[1].

The Importance of Transparency and Accountability

However, concerns about the implementation of Life Skills programs are valid. The lack of ⁢transparency and accountability in the program’s design and implementation can lead to misinformation and mistrust among stakeholders. It is essential to ​ensure that⁣ the programs are evidence-based, regularly evaluated, and transparent in their methods​ and outcomes.

The Need for Critical Thinking and Media ‌Literacy

The controversy surrounding Life⁢ Skills programs highlights the need ⁤for critical thinking and media literacy in‍ today’s digital age. With the proliferation of social​ media, misinformation can spread⁣ quickly, and it



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