Rising Tensions: Expert Analysis on Potential Egyptian Military Movements and Their Impact on Israel

The Israeli news website “Srugim” said that Egypt rejected the American offer to purchase fighter jets from it, and signed an agreement with China to purchase aircraft to replace the American F-16 aircraft fleet it possesses.

The website explained that Tel Aviv received this news with great concern as Egypt approaches the “China axis.”

The Hebrew website indicated that after the “surprise visit” of the Egyptian Chief of Staff to the Philadelphia area last Thursday, Egypt is taking another step that may increase tension with Israel and perhaps indicate the worrying direction it is expected to take in the coming years.

According to a report by the Israeli Mako Channel website, Egypt has signed an agreement with China to purchase Chengdu J-10C fighter jets to replace its fleet of American F-16 aircraft.

The deal comes after Egypt decided to reject offers from the United States to upgrade or replace the fleet of fighter jets in question.

He continued: “On the surface, this is an innocent and natural step, in which a country decides to renew its fleet of aircraft and buy them from another country, but in everything related to Israeli-Egyptian relations, certainly after what Israel discovered in the Philadelphi Corridor and the Rafah Crossing, every step of this kind has a meaning that could have dire consequences in the future.”

The Hebrew website confirmed that in Israel, they are expressing their concern that the Egyptians’ choice of a Chinese plane instead of an American plane may be considered a step towards the axis of which China is a member, along with Russia and Iran.

Commenting on the deal for advanced Chinese fighters, Egyptian political scientist Hassan Salama said: “The defense partnership between China and Egypt has a long history and over the decades this partnership has grown in strength with the supply of various Chinese military equipment, whether submarines, destroyers or aircraft. The policy of non-interference in internal affairs and its strategic approach to exporting weapons away from political circumstances makes cooperation attractive for Egypt, especially since China offers competitive prices and the possibility of transferring modern technology. Secondly, Egypt’s official announcement that it is replacing its old fleet of F-16 aircraft with Chinese fighters reflects Cairo’s intention to diversify its sources of military equipment and reduce its dependence on American defense systems.”

He added: This development reflects the full economic and strategic relations between Egypt and China, especially since China was participating in the EgyptAir Show in El Alamein.

He continued: There are many factors that influenced Egypt’s decision to diversify, including the cost effectiveness of the selected J10c aircraft and its advanced combat capabilities. It could also be affected by developments or concerns about American policy in the region in light of its continued support for the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which contributed to a shift towards Chinese defense technology and the selected aircraft has multi-role capabilities.

He concluded his speech by saying: Egypt does not expect reactions from anyone because Egypt is a large country and has absolute sovereignty and freedom to determine the sources of armament it chooses, and the Israeli aggression does not have the right to evaluate Egyptian actions.

Source: RT

#concern #Israel #expected #Egyptian #military #move.. #expert #comments
2024-09-13 14:34:06

**Questions Related to the Title: Egypt Shifts Towards ⁣China, Rejects US Offer to Purchase Fighter Jets**

Egypt Shifts Towards China, Rejects US Offer to Purchase Fighter Jets

In a move that has sparked ‍concern in Israel, ⁤Egypt has reportedly rejected an offer from the United States to purchase fighter jets and instead opted for a deal with⁣ China​ to acquire Chengdu J-10C fighter jets [[2][3]]. The decision is seen as a significant shift towards the “China axis,” a development that ⁢may have far-reaching implications ‌for regional dynamics [[1]].

Egypt’s Decision to Diversify its ‌Military Equipment

According to Egyptian political scientist Hassan Salama, the defense partnership between China and Egypt​ has a long history, and over the decades, this partnership has grown in strength with the supply of various Chinese military​ equipment, including submarines, destroyers, and aircraft [[Source]]. The policy of non-interference in internal affairs and its strategic approach to ⁣exporting weapons ⁤away from political circumstances makes⁢ cooperation attractive for Egypt, especially since China offers competitive prices and the possibility of transferring modern technology.

Advanced Combat Capabilities and Cost Effectiveness

The J-10C fighter jets⁤ are known for their advanced combat capabilities, and Egypt’s decision to opt for these aircraft is influenced by several factors, including their cost effectiveness and combat capabilities[[[[[[[[[3]]. This development reflects the full economic and strategic relations between Egypt and ⁢China, especially since ⁢China was participating in the EgyptAir Show in El Alamein.

Implications for Israeli-Egyptian Relations

The⁢ deal has⁢ sparked concern in Israel, with Tel Aviv ​receiving the news with great concern⁢ as Egypt approaches the “China axis” [[1]]. The Hebrew website indicated that‌ this step may‍ increase tension with Israel and ​perhaps indicate the worrying direction it is expected to take in the coming years. ⁤Israel is worried that the Egyptians’⁤ choice of ⁣a Chinese plane instead of an American plane may be considered⁣ a step towards the axis of which China is ‍a member, along with ‌Russia and​ Iran.

Symbolic ⁤Flight Over the Pyramids

In a symbolic‍ gesture, a Y-20⁣ Chinese transport aircraft made a flight over the pyramids ⁣alongside 6 J-10‍ Chinese ⁤fighter jets, promoting a possible deal between Egypt and China [[1]]. This move highlights the growing ties between the⁣ two countries and Egypt’s willingness to diversify its military equipment sources.

Egypt’s decision to reject the US offer and‍ opt‌ for Chinese fighter jets marks a significant shift in the country’s military strategy and alliances. As Egypt strengthens its ties with China, the implications for regional ⁣dynamics and‌ Israeli-Egyptian relations will be closely watched in the coming years.





What are the strategic implications of Egypt’s decision to acquire Chinese Chengdu J-10C fighter jets instead of securing US fighter jets?

Egypt Shifts Towards China, Rejects US Offer to Purchase Fighter Jets

In a move that has sparked concern in Israel, Egypt has reportedly rejected an offer from the United States to purchase fighter jets and instead opted for a deal with China to acquire Chengdu J-10C fighter jets [[2][3]]. The decision is seen as a significant shift towards the “China axis,” a development that may have far-reaching implications for regional dynamics [[1]].

Egypt’s Decision to Diversify its Military Equipment

According to Egyptian political scientist Hassan Salama, the defense partnership between China and Egypt has a long history, and over the decades, this partnership has grown in strength with the supply of various Chinese military equipment, including submarines, destroyers, and aircraft [[Source]]. The policy of non-interference in internal affairs and its strategic approach to exporting weapons away from political circumstances makes cooperation attractive for Egypt, especially since China offers competitive prices and the possibility of transferring modern technology.

Advanced Combat Capabilities and Cost Effectiveness

The J-10C fighter jets are known for their advanced combat capabilities, and Egypt’s decision to opt for these aircraft is influenced by several factors, including their cost effectiveness and combat capabilities[[[3]]. This development reflects the full economic and strategic relations between Egypt and China, especially since China was participating in the EgyptAir Show in El Alamein.

Implications for Israeli-Egyptian Relations

The deal has sparked concern in Israel, with Tel Aviv receiving the news with great concern as Egypt approaches the “China axis” [[1]]. The Hebrew website indicated that this step may increase tension with Israel and perhaps indicate the worrying direction it is expected to take



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