2023-09-04 10:36:23
# Jafarali Palakot 04 September 2023, 04:06 PM IST
The income from the film industry exceeded 535 million riyals
Jeddah: The General Commission for Audiovisual Media (GCAM) has announced that the revenue so far has exceeded 535 million riyals since the resumption of cinema operations in Saudi Arabia. More than 10 million tickets have been sold so far. The commission said that the Saudi film sector is the country’s biggest industry.
The number of seats in 69 cinema theaters in Saudi Arabia exceeded 64,000. There are seven operators in more than 20 Saudi cities. Vox Cinemas and Movie Cinemas are the most prominent among them. With the number of films already screened reaching more than 33, the Saudi film industry has proven its strong and effective presence. More than 1.2 million tickets were sold and the revenue exceeded 84 million.
Notably, the Saudi film industry has recorded a growth of 28 percent by the second quarter of 2023. According to the Commerce Ministry’s recent Business Sector Bulletin, the country’s promising sectors such as film, entertainment and arts have seen a surge in commercial records.
According to the bulletin, commercial records in the film production sector reached more than 1,700 compared to more than 1,300 commercial records by the end of the second quarter of 2022.
#Big #boom #film #industry #Saudi #Arabia