Rising Potato Prices and the Impact on Chip Shops: A Closer Look at the Lille Clearance Sale

2023-08-22 14:20:54

Who says Lille clearance sale says all-you-can-eat fries. For the 2023 season, the bill will be a little more salty. Gourmets notice it, chip shop managers explain the reasons. Report in Lille and Tournai.

Well browned fries and generous quantities, a pleasure that might soon become a luxury. Over the past year, rising prices have not spared chip shops. As a result, the tray increases and customers taste.

In Lille, this customer who is waiting for his order attests : “We felt an increase, not huge, maybe one euro fifty, two euros depending on the chip shops. But yes, a small increase.” This other customer is sorry “You have to have the means now! It’s hard to eat.”

In recent months, Patrick Sengulen, manager of the Colosseum chip shop in Lille, has had no choice, forced to pass on the rise in raw materials.“It’s my second increase, it’s not much, it’s twenty, thirty cents per product, but we have to, otherwise we get eaten and then we can close!”

Everything that is labeled organic or more natural has increased much less than industrial products.

Alexandre Lamant

Manager of Frit’House – Tournai (Belgium)

The oil, but also the potato experienced spectacular increases. The five-kilogram bag, for example, has increased by 40% since the beginning of the year. Blame it on a poor harvest last summer. The phenomenon is not limited to France. On the Belgian side, the other country of fries, the cone is also directly affected by inflation like most products on the menu.

“Everything has increased, potatoes, beef fat, minced steaks”lists Alexandre Lamant, manager of the Frit’House in Tournai. “But What’s Weird”he continues, “it’s that everything that is labeled organic or more natural has increased much less than industrial products, in fact.”

As a result, in a year and a half, this chip shop had to change its prices four times. But nothing to discourage customers, because here the fries are sacred. “We don’t touch the fries!”warns this client. “No somewhere, it’s still always a pleasure to take the time to come and eat. It’s friendly.”

Pleasure before price. Because we should not expect an upturn in the coming months: indeed, the potato harvest promises to be very average this year once more.

#tray #fries #expensive



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