Rising Nonferrous Metals Holding Subsidiary Obtained Mining License, New Rare Earth Reserves Resource Eight Times the Reserves in Mining Mountain_Mining_Xinfeng County_Zuokeng

Original title: Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals Holding Subsidiary Obtained Mining License and Added Rare Earth Reserves 8 Times of the Reserves in Mining Mountains

On the evening of July 10, Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals (600259) announced that recently, Xinfeng Guangsheng Rare Earth Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinfeng Company”), a holding subsidiary of the company with a 55% stake, completed the Zuokeng rare earth mine. The mining rights were all processed, and on July 8, the Mining License of the People’s Republic of China issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China was obtained.

The announcement shows that the Zuokeng rare earth mining area in Xinfeng County is located in Yaotian Town, Xinfeng County, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province. The mineral type is a granite weathering crust ion adsorption deposit. The amount of rare earth ore resources identified in the Zuokeng rare earth mining area of ​​Xinfeng County (proved + controlled + inferred) is: 171.52 million tons of ore, of which 28.944 million tons of proven resources and 74.838 million controlled resources ton, the inferred resource ore amount is 67.736 million tons.

Rising Nonferrous said that following the successful expansion and integration of rare earth mines of Pingyuan County Huaqi Rare Earth Industry Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary, Xinfeng Company successfully obtained the mining license of Zuokeng rare earth mine, which is another important step for the company to implement the rare earth resource control strategy. results.

The reporter noticed that Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals once mentioned the situation of Huaqi Rare Earth Mine and Zuokeng Rare Earth Mine in Xinfeng County in its 2021 annual report. Among them, Huaqi Rare Earth Mine, after 13 years of expansion and successfully obtaining a new mining license, obtained the approval for the design review of safety facilities in October 2021, and will gradually resume rare earth mining to provide sufficient resource guarantee for the company in the future.

In the early stage of the Xinfeng Zuokeng rare earth mine project, the progress was slow and the progress was hindered. In the annual report, Rising Nonferrous Metals stated that the company’s management actively coordinated and successively completed the Ministry of Natural Resources Reserve filing, mining area delineation, development and utilization plan At key nodes such as the review and approval, we are making every effort to promote the processing of mining licenses.

In response to the successful acquisition of the mining right certificate for the Zuokeng rare earth mine, Rising Nonferrous Metals stated that the company will add 111,362 thousand tons of ionic rare earth reserves in southern China, which is 8 times the total resource reserves of the company’s current rare earth mines, greatly increasing the thickness. The company’s rare earth resource reserves will provide sufficient and stable rare earth resource guarantee for the rapid development of the company’s entire rare earth industry chain.

The data shows that Rising Nonferrous’s 2021 medium and heavy rare earth ore mining target is 2,700 tons, holding 4 southern ion adsorption rare earth ore smelting and separation plants, mastering the most advanced production technology in domestic ion adsorption rare earth ore smelting and separation, and owning southern ion adsorption rare earth ore smelting and separation. The separation capacity of heavy rare earth in ion adsorption rare earth ore is 14,000 tons/year.

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Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals stated that Zuokeng rare earth mine is the largest single-unit southern ion adsorption rare earth mine in China. It has a large mining area, abundant resource reserves and excellent resource allocation. The leaching rate and comprehensive recovery rate are high, the ore has good beneficiation performance, and the economic value of subsequent mining is high. The development of this mine will have a continuous and positive impact on the company’s future operating performance.

In addition, Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals believes that the successful acquisition of the mining license will further enhance the company’s control over rare earth resources, enhance the company’s industry influence and market competitiveness, and is conducive to the company’s sustainable and high-quality development. It will provide a solid foundation for the company to become a flagship enterprise of medium and heavy rare earths in China.

However, Rising Nonferrous also reminded related risks. For example, there are unforeseen natural and social factors in the mining of mineral resources, as well as the adjustment of laws and policies related to mining; the actual mining also requires the acquisition of mountains and land for construction and construction. Project environmental impact assessment approval, safety facility design review and other series of work.

Earlier, Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals disclosed a semi-annual pre-earning announcement. The company expects to achieve a net profit of 160 million yuan to 210 million yuan in the first half of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 91.27% to 151.04%; deducted non-net profit of 169 million yuan to 2.19 100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 67%-116.3%.

Rising Nonferrous said that in the first half of 2022, the company vigorously promoted marketing reform, accurately researched and judged the market, expanded the scale of production and sales, and significantly increased its operating income and gross profit; it promoted the special action of “cost control year” to further improve the company’s economic benefits. In addition, Guangdong Dabaoshan Mining Co., Ltd., a joint-stock company of the company, strengthened technological transformation, continued to achieve stable and high production, and actively seized market opportunities to sell products, resulting in a substantial increase in profits, and the company’s investment income calculated by the equity method increased.Return to Sohu, see more


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