Rising Naloxone Interventions and Overdose Concerns in Montreal and Laval: Urgences-santé Reports

2024-02-10 19:35:57

The Urgences-santé organization, which serves Montreal and Laval, reports 326 interventions with the use of naloxone in 2023, or 35 more than in 2022 and 46 more than in 2021.

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This is a constant progression in recent years in the number of interventions with this antidote used to treat overdoses.


Last August, the Montreal regional public health department also recorded 537 emergency interventions in supervised consumption centers, which was already higher than the number of 476 recorded for all of 2022.

“We are seeing more and more mixtures in street drugs which contribute to these overdoses,” said the public health specialist at the General Directorate of Public Health, Dr. Benoît Corriveau. It’s a phenomenon that’s exploding.”

These new figures are revealed at the same time when Quebec public health is concerned about the circulation of tablets of a new opioid 25 times more powerful than fentanyl, protonitazepyne in the streets of the national capital, which carries a risk of extremely high overdose.


See the full explanation in the video above

#Interventions #overdoses #worst #results #years #Urgencessanté

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