“Rising Global Temperatures and Climate Change: The Latest News and Analysis”

2023-05-15 11:34:35

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Today, the early summer weather continues with daytime temperatures approaching 30 degrees across the country, right?

Abnormally high temperatures are appearing not only in Korea, but also in places such as the United States and Europe, such as breaking record high temperatures.

Damage from wildfires to droughts is also continuing, and in particular, there are forecasts that El Niño will occur this summer and that extreme weather phenomena will become more frequent.

Reporter Lee Ji-sun will tell you.

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Alberta, Canada.

Red flames and black smoke billow incessantly over the herd of cattle.

On the 14th local time, 87 wildfires occurred simultaneously in Alberta.

This is because unprecedentedly high temperatures have appeared in dry weather.

[콜린 블레어 /캐나다 앨버타주 비상관리국장]

″Local emergencies have occurred in 19 states and 14 evacuations have been ordered. 19,342 Albertans have now been evacuated.″

In Europe, Spain and Portugal have already set record high temperatures last month.

In Spain, in particular, 27% of the country is under severe drought, and one area in northeast Spain has had no rain for almost three years.

[페레 포메지 라마데/스페인 낙농업자]

″It’s the first time I’ve seen anything like this. In my 35 years of farming, I have never seen crops die from such a lack of water.”

Heatwaves hit Southeast Asia as well.

In Singapore, the highest temperature soared to 37 degrees on the 13th, breaking the record for the highest temperature ever, and Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar also experienced unusual heatwaves, and in early May, the temperature exceeded 40 degrees, and the felt temperature exceeded 50 degrees. The scorching heat continues.

Climatologists around the world are predicting that extreme weather events such as these abnormal temperatures will become more frequent in the future.

In particular, it is predicted that an El Niño phenomenon will occur this summer, which will affect the weather.

[윌프란 오키아/세계기상기구(WMO) 지역기후예측서비스 부서장]

″There is a 60% chance of entering the El Niño phase from May to July. After August, it rises to 80%. That is the reality we find ourselves in now. El Niño will change weather and climate patterns around the world.″

Some scientists have predicted that ″El Niño is increasing the likelihood that 2024 will be the hottest year in Earth observation.″

This is Lee Ji-sun from MBC News.

Video Editing: Kwansun Kim

#Abnormal #high #temperatures #world #Niño #coming

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